Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 91 - Delivering Truth

"From the Word: Paul warned the centurion of the hardship ahead. His warning wasn't received for many reasons. He was not trusted as an apostle by the centurion, the owner of the ship and the helmsman advised otherwise, the majority had something other to say, and where they were wasn't suitable. All odds were stacked against Paul but he turned out to be right."

Much of what a Christian says will not be received by people in the world because they are looking for credibility. It wasn't until Paul's words were proven true that he now had the platform to be heard. After the storm we see how Paul's influence increased when he tell the captain not to let the men get away in the smaller vessels because all will be lost unless they stay. The captain takes Paul's advice this time. 

I see in this passage and thought that we can learn a lesson in dealing with people and delivering the truth to them.  

If we are going to tell people the truth of God's word we must first tell them in love. If we don't tell them they won't ever know. Yes, they will not listen...at first. But later because you had told them the truth they will come back when they realize you were right. If we don't tell them in love then they will hear the truth but despise us and won't come back for another beating. Love never fails. 

Also if we are going to tell people the truth we must do it in a spirit of humility. We must be totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to speak through us. We must also speak in a gentle and meek spirit and not a proud or arrogant spirit. One is received, the other is rejected. It is all about approach. When you rely on the power of God then seeds will be sown into fertile ground. But when you rely on your own wisdom your words will bounce off their hearts like the seed on the wayside. This is where the devil comes and wreaks havoc with the mind and places thoughts of bitterness and scorn for the truth you were trying to give. 

Finally, when we deliver the truth faithfully we need to be ready to receive the people we are speaking to when they come back to us. They will come around and realize what you said was right. When they do and fresh problems arise they know who to go to...you! Be ready with open arms. An "I told you so" attitude will make them think twice about why they came back. Receive them and encourage them. Continue to bear with them in their journey towards what you already know and have. 

How have you delivered truth to people you come in contact with? What other ways can we deliver truth so that it is received rather than rejected? 


  1. Amen! humbleness and love is the best way to tell others about Jesus loves. when you do they will come back and want to hear your message again and they can trust you to talk to you about anything. my son's girlfriend parents go to church but they don't show any love towards them they are always condemning them because they do drugs and gossip about them to their friends who attend their church my son and her dad got into a fight and her father gave my son a deep gash on his neck. I have told my son to come to church with me but he thinks only good people go to church and that everyone in church is a hypocrite. I told him everyone that goes to church needs JESUS no one is perfect but Jesus! we all make mistakes but God is working in us. so yes its important to tell the non believers about Jesus with love and show them love.

    1. Stay in faith and prayer and keep inviting them to church! God will get ahold of his life. I pray he comes soon.
