Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 75 - Seashell Art

"I sat with my daughter and we made art with seashells. I am glad she shares the propensity for artistic expression that I do."

I love my children. Spending time with them is an absolute joy. They are a real gift from God to me and have taught me so much about God, life and myself. 

On this day last year we made little artistic crafts with shells. My daughter is a craft princess who will probably have a Pinterest page that goes worldwide some day. The girl is already sewing pillows, fixing broken toys and making clothes for her dolls. 

What was great about this whole moment was that we didn't plan it or force it. We just spent some time at the table having fun. It didn't take any money or and elaborate plan, it was just connecting on a Sunday afternoon. 

Don't let moments pass you by. As a parent, spouse, single person, employee, witness or whatever, take advantage of the moments you have. Life is a vapor that is here for a moment and then gone. Why not live it and enjoy every moment you can?

What Sunday afternoon stories do you have? How do you take advantage of little moments like these?

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