Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 71 - Long Waits

"My illustrator got me the first proof of Sarah's Silly Sock Day. Seeing it all together makes it so much more real. We have some changes but should be sending the completed book to West Bow Press soon. It is exciting!"

As some of you may or may not know I wrote a children's picture book "Sarah's Silly Sock Day". The book was recently released on Thomas Nelson's indie publishing company West Bow Press. It is doing amazingly well with very little marketing. I am humbled and amazed at the support of my family and friends and church through this process. 

I wrote the words above in quotes a year ago today when my first proof was completed. From that time to my actual submission was a month or so. From the time of my submission to my first printed proof was many more months. I ended up having to resubmit and that process took about a month or so. 

We all can handle setbacks and obstacles. We can even put up with a year of delays. Can I share something with you though? I wrote the book four years ago. Four years. Have you heard the phrase 'hurry up and wait'? That is what it felt like for most of the process. It wasn't easy or cheap and it wasn't always fun. 

If you are going to start doing something like we discussed in yesterday's post then get ready for opposition. Joshua took the promised land with a sword in his hand. There were supernaturally long days and miraculous victories. There were also problems and sin issues he had to deal with. 

I have had plans and prayers that have taken years and even decades. Yet I know that God is working. I am too. 

Don't get discouraged. It is all a part of the process. Anything worth doing is worth the investment of time, pain, waiting and even suffering if that is what it takes. 

Have you had to wait years for dreams, prayers or plans to come through? What help you to endure?

By the way, If you are interested in Sarah's Silly Sock Day you can get it here. 

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