Sunday, December 20, 2015

Day 355 - 10 Days Left

"I gave the altar call and talked fast but by the end I slowed down and knew that I had their attention. The number of people who raised their hands confirmed it. There were ninety six people who responded."

It is the final countdown to the end of the year. Christmas is five days away and we have 10 days left until we close out the year. In this season there is a captive audience waiting to hear about Christmas, Jesus and the true God. 

This past weekend I had the privilege of preaching the Christmas weekend. It was great to see so many people respond to the call for salvation. It is an opportune time and season for salvation. Everyone is open to hearing the story of Christmas and when they hear the gospel they are ready to respond. 

Look for the open doors to tell someone about Jesus in the coming days. At work, around the family dinner table, or wherever you happen to be, God wants to use you to tell His story. Look for the open doors and go through them when given the opportunity. 

There is a longing and desire for God. Someone said it is a God shaped hole in our hearts that only Jesus can fill. It is true. Christmas shows us that even when Christ was a baby that He is everything we need. The angel reported to the shepherds that He is the Savior born for all, given to us. He is all inclusive and yet personal. 

Give someone the greatest gift you can this Christmas, give them Jesus! 

Is there a good way to share the love of Jesus at Christmas time that you have used? What about for the end of the year? 

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