Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 339 - Celebration time

"It was messy and lots of last minute things needed to be done."

Christmas is coming up. You probably are like me and have lots of details to get done before you can celebrate. It can be a mess of shopping, details, emotions, and many other things. 

Anything done right will take time and effort. The larger the thing the more mess to make it right. After all the details are nailed down and the pieces are in order it is time to celebrate. 

It is all worth it in the end. You may bleed before you sing but it is worth it. 

Think about what had to happen before the greatest event the world had ever known took place. God had to set up thousands of years with lives, prophesies, nations and kings moving people and God moving a star in the heavens before He could bring Jesus on the earth. 

To Him it was worth it. So for us it is worth celebrating. Yes it is a lot of work and family can be the toughest critics but that should t be the motivation for what we do. Shine the light and celebrate Jesus this season. 

How do you celebrate? What is your favorite Christmas memory? 

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