Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 338 - Here is why we pray

"God is a God of order and not chaos. He is a God of the fullness of time and of plans from ages past. He patiently waits to bring forth all things in their time and season."

Yesterday's tragic events in our city were on my mind as I woke up today. I prayed. I gave all my concerns and cares to God. I asked God for His peace and comfort for the families of the victims and for those traumatized by the events. I prayed for protection and blessing for our city. 

There are people who don't understand why authorities and others are saying that thoughts and prayers are going out on behalf of San Bernardino. I don't expect them to. They don't understand spiritual things because they aren't spiritual people. Spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned. Of coarse they wouldn't think prayer would do anything because they see it as foolishness. So they post that God isn't going to fix the gun control problem. 

God forgive them. 

This is why we pray. God is the only one who can fix anything. We are barking up the wrong tree if we think that laws or government can renew a mind or soften a heart. It simply won't. It may keep some order and help the common good but it will never save a soul. One little prayer can change the course of history. One prayer can bring down empires. One prayer can get past armies into the inner chambers and secret places and thwart the best laid plans of generals and kings. 

The reason prayers work is because God works with them. We pray because as God hears us ask His will on the earth it is His good pleasure to carry it out. God knows what we are going through. He knows the pain and suffering better than we do because He sees and knows it all fully. He even sees the things we cannot like motives and hearts. 

So we pray. I am thankful to those around the world who have reached out and offered prayers, love and support for our city and our people. I pray for you as well. I still am praying for Ukraine, for Paris, for Iraq and Syria, for Israel and for the areas all over affected by war and violence. There is far too much unjust activity on the earth and only God is the answer. So we pray. 

Feel free to offer any thoughts or even write a prayer in the comments section. 

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