Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 352 - Fix It

"Jess is currently replacing her broken phone glass."

My wife is not only pretty but she is a go getter. She just gets in and makes things happen. When her phone glass was broken she decided to fix it herself. She did it too. 

I have benefitted from being her husband because I don't always have the same drive that she does. In fact I often would rather avoid certain issues and see how they play out on their own. 

As a leader and someone who is responsible I can't always do that. More often than not the right answer is to confront an issue and hit it head on rather than bury my head in the sand. 

Laziness and apathy will hinder this drive and halt progress. If left unchecked it will morph into fear and will drive us even further away from courage and doing what is right. Eventually we will find ourselves frozen without the capacity to make changes or do anything productive. The issues will rule us. 

Rather than be ruled by issues we will rule them when we confront and deal with issues as they occur. It is hard work tackling tough issues. In the end it is worth it. I find that afterward when the dust has settled I feel better and the outcome is right. There is nothing unresolved and the issue is settled. 

If you have left something unresolved and your issues are ruling you it is time to fix it. Let me be to you like my wife is to me. Get after it. Don't be afraid. You can do it!

Do you see any examples of unresolved issues that damaged someone? What scriptures deal with this? 

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