Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 349 - Crazy Enough to Try

"He said he wanted to go to the beach."

Last year in December my son and I went to the beach and had a great time. It was warm and sunny. He dug a hole in the sand big enough to jump in. We scoured the beach for shells and then went and had a burger together. 

I look at that and wonder how we could do that in December. It surely has a lot to do with the fact that we are in Southern California and it was a drought year for us. Not only that I am crazy enough to take a chance. There is an adventurous spirit in me that won't settle for average. 

December should not be a beach going month and yet we tried it and found it to be a wonderful time. This year the weather is much colder so it may not work now. 

In life there are times and seasons as well and we need to launch out and try. The Bible talks about sowing different seeds in different places at different times because you don't know which one will produce a crop for you. Isaac sewed in a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold in the same year. What if he sat back and said "It is famine. I shouldn't sow seed right now."

For all of us we need to be crazy enough to try. Try a new business idea, try a new recipe. Try a new look or a new color. Try a different brand or try something different on the menu. The worst that can happen is you don't like something or it doesn't work out. The best that could happen is that you prosper and enjoy life.

What have you been wanting to try but haven't yet? Have you seen that when you try something it works out good?

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