Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 54 - The Purpose of Church

"I am overjoyed that we have a place where we can connect with God, use our gifts and relate with others."

The place I am referring to here is the church. I remember walking our campus that day watching the various ministries do what they do. Children were coloring pages about Bible stories, the cafe was filled with people, some talking, some listening to the message and taking notes. Our Spanish service was packed out and the message was passionate and being received (even though I didn't understand but a few words). 

It seems that in the blogosphere it has become cool and even common to bash the church. People get down on church. We need to remember that this isn't man's idea. It is God's plan for the earth. It is the pillar and the ground of truth. 

I know that there is the potential for hurt in the church but that shouldn't stop us from loving the church. Jesus said He would build His church. I want to help Him build what He is building. There was no other plan, no para-church organization or back up. 

Church is where we can connect with God like Jacob on his journey, dreaming of a ladder. God opens Heaven over Bethel, the house of God, the church, and speaks to us. 

Church is a place where we can use our gifts. God has given each one of us unique and powerful gift for ministry linked up with and for the benefit and growth of the church. As we all do our part God causes growth. 

Church is a place where we can relate with others. Our best friends and most trusted confidants are in church. Something happens when you know there are like minded people of faith on your side. Church will love you when the world will leave you. 

I love church! 

What is your favorite part of church? What would you add to my list of what happens in church? 


  1. the altar calls, when we give our burdens to God in the altar and pastors pray for us. the music and worship team.. the messages where the Holy Spirit speaks to us and the rock bible college where I plan on going next month. I loved ISOM where the missionaries came to the rock church and we got hear from different pastors from different countries and states I really loved that and their testimonies I was blessed by it and brother yun testimony and how he blessed us with anointing oil. I think when there is an offense where people get hurt by someone in the church it should be the pastors who should deal with the matter and not have the security guards do it and don't take sides with the people who worked in the church or volenteers you don't know if they are lying people do have issues and take it out on other people. I know some people who have left the church because of that very reason or something else that happen. they should not make sermons out of what happen to that person or persons that is so wrong the church should not be treated as a social club as others make it to be. we should be there for God. that was a great idea how they move girlfriends to the main sanctuary and the sign inside the church that says loving people more, doing church better :)

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