Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 50 - True Strength

"I had the privilege to preach the Word tonight. It was a good night. I counted eleven hands and more than that showed up at the altar. I ministered on God our strength."

The world is looking for strength in various forms. Strength in numbers. Strength in money. Strength in fame. Lately they are looking for strength in a serum or a mutation. 

The truth is that we have no strength outside of God. we can build the biggest, richest, strongest empire and still we would be a speck in the universal scale. When you think of a God who speaks and planets exist and who destroys his enemies with the breath of His mouth you realize where true strength lies. 

Jesus said that apart from Him we can do nothing. Never was a truer word spoken. His advice for us is to remain in Him. It is like a lamp that stays plugged into the wall. As long as it stays plugged in it gives light. If we will stay connected to Jesus we will have the power available to us. 

Have you felt weak and yet God moved on your behalf? What ways has God given you strength? 

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