Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 44 - Pride

"I could sense that I was witnessing the real intense emotion of the inner turmoil of pride and the fruit of it which is the desire to be right, to be heard and to be respected. The part that amazes me is that he was right, heard and respected but pride wanted more. I guess that is why it is the snare of the devil. Like a fire that eats but is never satisfied."

I fight pride. Every day I pray from James and 1 Peter the scripture that "God opposes the proud but He gives grace to the humble therefore I humble myself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift me up". Pride wants an exalted position. God wants to give it to us but He wants it to happen His way. The way up is down. As we humble ourselves, or if I could say, come under the mission, and will and way of God, then He will exalt us. 

The last thing I need is God working against me. He opposes the proud. Who can stand against God? 

On the other hand God gives grace to the humble. Grace is His power and ability for life. When I can't do it God does it in and through me by grace. That only happens when I totally depend on Him and submit myself to His will, His way. 

How do you fight pride? How can we stay humble? 

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