Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 295 - Doing It Better

"We had our training for the staff." 

Practice, practice, practice. 

Practice makes perfect. We have heard it. Said it. Maybe even experienced it. But then we forget it. 

Somewhere along the line we forget the practice that made us what we are today. Then when a new challenge arises or we need to grow to a new level we try and side step the process. Well...maybe you don't but I sure try. 

I would love to live in the day and age that someone plugs a cool looking cable into the back of my head and types rapidly on a computer screen and when I wake up from the download of information I am well versed in sixty-two types of martial arts and underwater basket weaving. The reality is that we don't have that technology and may never have it because one, we are not robots to be programmed and two, God knows the process is good for us. 

Athletes, security professionals, military, public speakers, tradesmen and so many others all know this principle. Practice until you get better. 

We had an issue last year with our staff that we wanted to get better at. We wanted to get better at saying hello. It may seem like overkill but we actually practiced saying hello. The neat thing was that after we practiced we talked about our experiences and it helped us to process how we could get better at greeting people and providing a welcome environment for our church. 

Who knew that it wasn't just a clever saying for kids? Practice makes perfect. 

How does this principle apply to you? What do you need to practice so you can better at it? 

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