Saturday, October 10, 2015

Day 284 - Keep On

"It should be out in the beginning of next year." 

I have a friend who works in the music industry who has been working on an album for years. Here we are a year after I wrote that statement and it isn't out yet. The process has been grueling but he hasn't given up. He has had every opportunity to. People have stolen from him. He has lost hours and money and time in the process. 

What makes the difference is his determination. Even though he could have quit he never did. He could have just sat down and cried and no one would have blamed him. Through it all he stayed determined. 

I believe because he pushed through and kept going that God opened doors for him that otherwise he would have never had open before. When his album releases he will have more sales and more momentum because of the delay. Isn't that just like God to turn something bad into something good? 

Keep on. If you have had delays to your dream don't stop. It could be that your set back is a set up for something good! 

What is the dream you have been working on? What delays have come and how are you handling them?

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