Friday, October 2, 2015

Day 276 - Take My Breath Away

"It was a beautiful sunset and I had trouble focusing on the practice."

Last year my son's soccer team found a need for the dads to step in and coach. I knew only what I had learned the previous year from watching the coach and the game. On this particular practice I was trying to coach but the sunset was so beautiful I kept getting distracted. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I love photography. The main reason is that it captures moments and beauty. Sunsets are a particular draw for me. The rich vivid colors draw me in and captivate my attention. The same sunset in a matter of minutes can change several times over. 

There is an old Calvin and Hobbes comic that shows them sitting on a rock next to a lake with a beautiful sunset. Hobbes is staring dreamily at the sunset while Calvin has a sour look on his face and says "I am probably missing some great television right now." My wife relates to Calvin while I relate to Hobbes. 

My wife and my friends often make jokes about how I get distracted with taking photos. There are times I will intentionally leave my camera behind in order to be in the moment with my family. 

All of this to say that there is beauty all around us. King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes that God makes all things beautiful in their own time. Let's not miss the beauty or get distracted from what is most important. Each moment has its place and beauty and we need to be wise enough to recognize it and respond accordingly. 

Let me give you two examples. 

The first time I drove on the Generals Highway through the Giant Forest and saw all of the sequoia trees it took my breath away. I almost couldn't stop staring except that I was driving. What was important was that I keep my family safe on the mountain road. In doing so I still didn't miss the beauty. 

The second example comes from my quote from last year. Even though I was coaching I would steal away to look at the sunset. No matter the situation recognize what is important while capturing the beauty. Like when you have to have a tough conversation with you kids that is important but you see the maturing and growing in them. Don't miss the beauty! Or in business if you have to keep your eyes on the task but you see the beautiful impact of your work on people's lives. 

Life can take your breath away if you're watching. Don't neglect what is important but also, don't miss the beauty. 

What takes your breath away? How do we identify what is important versus what is beautiful? 

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