Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day 280 - Try, Try Again

"We tried to make some banana bread but it didn't turn out that great." 

Old saying abound when it comes to things like this. 'You win some. You lose some.'  Would apply but I think a better one would be 'If at first you don't succeed try, try again.' 

Often we give up way too easy. We try something once and because it wasn't perfect the first time we never try again. What we forget is that the results we want take time. A before and after shot often has months if not years in-between it. The deceiving part is that when it is all done we see both images side by side. 

But, to use another old saying, 'Rome wasn't built in a day.' It will take time for something good to be produced. So you burned the cake, bake another. So you don't have those flat abs you want, do some more sit ups tomorrow. So your painting wasn't exactly like the photo you were trying to reproduce, paint it again. 

You know what will happen if you give it another go? You will get better. Results will start taking place. You will actually like what you create! 

So practice, take a class, invite a friend or mentor to help you, buy a book and read up on it. As you try, try again, you will succeed. 

Can you relate to this post? What would you want to try again and how will you do it? 

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