Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day 289 - Playing the Silence

"I stayed silent so as to not sin with my mouth or speak rashly."

In music there is a note that you intentionally play silence. It is called a rest. I believe that there are times we need to give our tongues a rest.

Many times silence is the best answer. I have found that if I can be slow to anger and slow to speak I will not only have all the information I need but I can also calculate my answers and people will listen more because I haven't been talking. In fact, the Bible says in Proverbs that where words are in abundance sin is not absent.

Our tongues steer our lives. When we talk out of emotion or condition we run the risk of steering in the wrong direction. I would rather play the rest and focus my heart to speak the Word of God so I get going in the right direction.

It will not only help our direction but our relationships, marriages, parenting, work and witness. When we can think properly and communicate in a way that imparts grace and our speech is seasoned with salt who wouldn't want to hear what we have to say? You have to play the rest so that when your part comes in it is harmonious with the other voices.

The most important voice we want to be in agreement with is God's voice. If I fly off the handle or allow anger and bitterness to spring forth from my lips then I am in opposition to the Word of God. When I play the rest and then speak in turn with what God says then I will have the pleasure of God and the power of God on my side.

As you go throughout your day take time to listen. If you are confronted with sour attitudes or situations that make your blood boil don't be like the tea kettle that whistles out to let everyone know how hot you are. If you can submit your tongue to the power of the Holy Spirit, play the rest and stay silent, then when you speak it will be graceful loving words that build instead of break.

Is it a struggle for you to stay silent or do you wish you could speak up more? How do you know what the appropriate time and place to speak is?

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