Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day 282 - A Small Church With A Lot of People

"Small church hospitality with the large church opportunity. We need the best of both worlds. It is possible."

These thoughts are really notes from what I was crafting regarding our church staff and volunteers attitude towards our members and guests. We have a church in a rough area. At times it is difficult to have a gentle approach when confronted with some of the issues that come on our campus. Regardless, we need to still have the right approach to our people. There are times we have to say no but it must be done in the right spirit. 

What we concluded after wrestling with these issues is that this year of 2015 we were going to love people more and do church better. That included accommodating our members and guests. We needed to streamline processes and make it easy to be connected and involved. 

We are not perfect at this and the change is still taking place. Just today I heard of instances in two separate ministries that needed adjustments. The good thing is that we are noticing it and making the changes. 

Really the problem and the solution are found in one word: family. If we know that the problem is because we are too familiar with our family then we need to love one another and overlook offenses because we are family. In the Bible we are told to treat our elders as father and mothers, young women as sisters and young men as brothers. We are the family of God. All brothers and sisters in the Lord. 

Families can have their issues. Especially large ones. But family also has the closest bond of all, blood. We are bound together by the blood of Jesus. We are family and we need to stick together, love one another and prefer one another above our own interests. 

What would a church, business or home look like if we truly started doing this? What are some practical ways to do this?


  1. I like this post it makes me think of myself. I can be irritated by a lot of small things at one time but I am learning to set that aside and just smile instead. I take care of what I can but I am doing it better by not being irritated on the outside. I guess what I am saying is that I see growth in me in that area. Answered prayer that I would be a more loving person all the time.

    1. Your growth in love will promote unity because love covers an offense. Good stuff!
