Saturday, October 3, 2015

Day 277 - Sapped Strength

"When we came back home everyone was wiped out from being in the heat. I ended up taking a 2 hour nap. I didn't want to be asleep that long but it felt good to get some rest."

When you have been going for a long time and the heat is on you can get exhausted. I think there are two extremes in our society when it comes to rest. One is too much, also called laziness. The other is too little and could be labeled workaholic. 

Work is good. We were made to work. It is built on the inside of us. I am very glad I was brought up with a strong work ethic and have seen the benefits of it myself. Even with that it is still good to get some rest every now and again. 

Sometimes I feel a bit guilty when I get rest. Like I should be doing something. But just as much as God built into us to work He also modeled rest for us. After the six days of creation God rested and then later commanded the children of Israel to rest. 

We need not get lazy but we do need to refresh every now and then. Even Jesus rested after long periods of ministry. If the anointed Son of God fell asleep in a boat and stayed asleep in a storm then I know he was tired! He would also take time with His disciples to rest (even though they had many interruptions of their rest that resulted in miracles). 

When you have been going for a long time and have been sweating through the heat of your labors take a rest. Don't feel guilty. Kick your feet up and get refreshed. You will be glad you did and when it comes time to work again you will be stronger and more focused. 

How do you like to rest? Would you say you have to watch out for being lazy or being a workaholic?

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