Saturday, March 19, 2016


"Very needed to have time without pressure where we can just love and decompress. "

There are gauges on pipes that carry pressure indicating safe amounts. When the amount of pressure is greater than the pipe can handle the gauge will show it by the needle going in to the red. Some of the valves have a pressure release to keep the pipe from exploding from the pressure.

There are indicators in our life that we are under too much pressure and need relief. These indicators differ from person to person but can be expressed in anger, depression, overeating, sin, silence and many other ways. We will know our own indicators and should be wise enough to take action when we see them going in to the red.

The question for all of us is when we see these indicators showing us that we have too much pressure do we have a release? If not we will explode. Maybe you have experienced that through a blowout fight or a nervous breakdown.

Our first and greatest pressure release should be to cast our cares on God. We do this by bringing our pressures to Him and talking with Him about it. In prayer and by faith you can take all that pressure and release it to the Lord Who is able to take all of that pressure and relieve you of it. Too often we carry burdens that are too great for us. God has given us access to His strength and we can let the pressure out of our lives when we give it to Him.

Another great pressure release after you have prayed is to find faith filled friends who can help you and pray for you. A burden shared is lighter. Sometimes it just helps to have someone tell you that they understand and that you can make it. Hopefully the married people reading this will find this kind of support in your spouse (and also give it when you see the indicators of your spouse's pressure).

Finally a great pressure release it to find an activity that you enjoy. Some people like to lay on a beach and others like to go to the gym. Some like to read and others want to watch a good movie. Whatever it is for you make sure it is productive and not destructive. You don't want to hurt yourself or others in the process of releasing the pressure.

Pressure is actually good for us. Without it we may not be motivated to change or to work hard. We might also find ourselves lazy or proud. God knows the good pressure can do but He also gave us the indicators for when it is too much. Know your indicators and have your release systems in place.

What are your indicators? Who are your faith filled friends and what activities help you to release it?

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