Saturday, February 6, 2016

The End of the Story

"This morning while driving to work I saw the first part of a rainbow in the cloud. It was wide and it was beautiful. I didn't notice the other end of it until later when I was pulling around the bend in the highway and saw the rest of it. God's promises are often like that broken rainbow. We have a promise we find and we rejoice. It's beautiful and it's wonderful and then it disappears. We get discouraged but there on the other side glowing brighter and stronger at the end is the rest of the promise; the fulfillment of it. God's promises will come. God will make sure they come to pass. We need to trust God that he will complete that good work which he began. When we see Jesus we may cry out like John, “The Lamb of God who was slain from the foundation of the world!” But just like we rejoice in his birth and mourn at his death there is a resurrection coming."

The beginning of the story can excite us can't it? I love the start of a good book or watching the opening credits of a movie. But the middle of a story can drag on. I can't tell you how many books I have not finished because it wasn't keeping me like the beginning. 

The Bible says in Ecclesiastes that the end of a thing is better than it's beginning. The end of a story or a good movie will always be better than the beginning. But even more than that the end of a time in life will be better than the beginning. 

When things take longer than you expect it can be discouraging. We lose hope in the middle of a thing. The wonderful news is that the One who began the story will be faithful to finish it. 

We have some friends who are in the middle of a terrible story. The beginning was a bad report from the doctor, lots of tests and tons of bad news. As the story continued it seemed that things went from bad to worse. Just when we thought they were at the end of a long process of chemotherapy and were out of the woods a second diagnosis came in. They are currently still stranded in the middle of a story that I know they wish they could finish. 

Life isn't as easy as putting a book down or changing the channel. We have to trust that God is in control and that our prayers are being heard. God will finish the story. I know there is a great ending ahead of my friends. Just like I know that whatever you are in the middle of right now the Author of Life will complete in a wonderful way. Follow His lead. He isn't finished with any of us yet. 

I would love to hear from you about your story, beginning, middle or end. Leave some comments below. 


  1. I know the end of my life story is turning out much better then it began. The turmoil of my first 18 years may have caused a lot of problems along the later years of my life but as God has worked in me to change me I see that the end of my days are now and will continue to be better because of Him.
