Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 365 - We Did It!

"This is my 356th entry! I did it! At least I can say I am disciplined and consistent and follow through with my commitments.

It has been a good year. I am very blessed. We made it through many trials. I believe that the plowing and sowing we have done we will see come to pass in 2015."

Truly on New Year's Eve we can look back over a year and see the faithfulness of God. I see how through all the hard times we encountered God was making us stronger. In all the good times God was showing us His goodness. In the silence we were learning to trust. In everything God is all in all. 

When you have God in everything then everything becomes good. Even the bad God works our for good. It is truly amazing how from tragedy and trial spring forth testimonies of God's goodness. Some don't share this opinion. I read over some of the 2015 year in review articles on the web and found pessimism, criticism and sarcasm. None of those ever got me any closer to God. 

What makes a good year is when you set your heart to trust God. Look for His faithfulness. If you draw near to Him He will draw near to you. Your goals and plans, when submitted to Him, will come to fruition. Maybe not in the way you wanted but if not God has some thing better for you. (Just see yesterday's post for more on this.)

When I look back at a year of blogging my thoughts from last year I realize it has been a healthy journey. It has taught me a lot about myself, God and others. I want to say thank you to those of you who have taken the journey with me and have posted comments here and on other social media sites. It has been fun and I have had great pleasure reading about your thoughts on the topics discussed. 

As I look forward to next year I plan on continuing to blog my thoughts but with some changes. I don't want to reveal everything here but I am going to update the look and feel and will probably go weekly instead of daily. It's tough! I have lost a lot of sleep because I was up writing. Also  I felt at times that I was reaching for topics and felt that I could deliver better content if I had more time to look over, prepare and write. (Or maybe even edit, who would have thought?!) 

I also plan on being in the face of God to do His will, growing as a husband and father and staying after my passions in life. By the grace of God I will do all this and more. Happy New Year!

No questions today. Feel free to write some of your thoughts from this last year and/or any goals for the new year. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 364 - Be Careful What You Ask For

"I watched Honey I Shrunk the Kids with the kids and they liked it. I forgot the fun parts and the fantasy of that movie. Who wouldn't think being small was cool until you realize the peril of the larger world you have to encounter?"

I have been so thankful over the years that God, in His wisdom, has not answered every one of my prayers. That sounds surprising doesn't it? Who is thankful for unanswered prayers? I am. 

Let me explain. There was a time when I wanted to be a musician full time. More specifically I wanted to be a rock star. I wanted the big stage; televised concerts and such. Looking back now I know if my prayers were answered it would have destroyed me. Also, I would not be where I am at today. My life is so much greater than I ever could have imagined. If I had my prayers answered I would be empty and might end up shipwrecked concerning the faith. 

One more prayer that I am glad wasn't answered? Well, I remember praying about a girl. It just got personal but I know many of you have prayed about a relationship. I was praying that God would make it happen because we would be great together. Now in hindsight I realize that it would have been terrible. We would have killed each other. Don't get me wrong, she is a great person and her life is where God knew it needed to be. We would have never made it or we would have been miserable. I know that God had my perfect wife waiting for me now that I have her. I wouldn't trade her for anyone else. We are so in love that I am very thankful that God didn't answer that prayer. 

When our prayers go unanswered it can be discouraging. We get depressed or angry with God. But if we stop to think that God is good and has our best interests in mind doesn't it make sense that He knows what He is doing when He doesn't answer our prayers? In 1 John 5 it tell us that God hears the prayers that are according to His will. When He hears our prayers then we have what we asked. We can conclude then that the prayers we pray that are not according to His will go unheard and unanswered. That should be a comfort to all of us. It protects us from the wrong things we ask for our life. 

So what should we do? Pray. Ask away! Know that God will work it out and answer according to His will and His goodness. Don't get discouraged if things don't go your way. God has a better plan than we do. 

Have you had prayers you are glad God didn't answer? How did God make it better in the end? 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 363 - Counting Your Blessings

"We awoke to children as we do most days. What a blessing they all are."

Today I watched the classic movie White Christmas with my family. It is no contest the most entertaining Christmas variety show/tear jerker and feel good movie. Who doesn't tear up when the general inspects the troops? Between the smooth voices of Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney, the humor of Danny Kaye, the dance moves of Vera Ellen you can't go wrong. 

In the movie they have a song about counting your blessings. The first verse goes as follows:

When I'm worried and I can't sleep
i count my blessings instead of sheep 
and i fall asleep counting my blessingswhen my bankroll is getting small 
i think of when i had none at alland i fall asleep counting my blessings

It is interesting how some retrospect can change our perspective. Think back to when you had nothing. Think about what life was like before you had children. Sure they can drive you nuts sometimes but I bet you couldn't imagine life without them. Think about the blessing of your spouse or your friends. If you say you have nothing but Jesus remember the equations; 

Everything - Jesus = Nothing. Jesus + Nothing = Everything. 

There has been a saying going around on social media and I'm not sure who said it first. I guess when it is something as good as this is it doesn't matter who but really it must be a Holy Spirit inspiration. "Rather than look at what you don't have why not start looking at what you do have?" I call that wisdom. 

At a recent church service we decided to do something a little different and have a panel of people instead of a formal sermon. The wisdom that came forth was excellent. One of the statements that came from a wonderful woman in our ministry named Theresa Aguilar who is a reverend and instructor in our Bible College was to "Look for what God has placed in your life and connect with that." How awesome is that? 

If worry, fear, anxiety, depression or discouragement has hit you over this holiday season I would encourage you to count your blessings. You can start with Jesus as the biggest blessing of all. Don't focus on what you are lacking but look at what you do have. Finally, see who or what God has place in your life and try to connect. You can put all those fears to rest counting your blessings. 

What are the blessings you cherish? Are there any overlooked blessings people don't often see?

Day 362 - Don't Miss Out

"... the team listened to my instruction and improved..."

It is so simple we often miss it. I have overlooked the simplicity many times. In fact I usually want to make it harder on myself than it should be just to be more pious or something like that. It doesn't work though. 

God intended for us to live a blessed and abundant life. There are too many verses to prove it and I won't be convinced otherwise. Even in the Old Testament God was trying to bless the socks off the children of Israel but they weren't having it. (Don't believe me? Still think God is an angry old miser in the Old Testament? Read Nehemiah chapter 9 and then tell me what you think.) 

God made it so simple though. Just hear His word, understand and do it. If we can simply hear, understand and do we will be blessed. When we lack or fail in any of these areas we will not be blessed. I didn't say it was easy, I said it was simple. 

Hearing is probably the easiest part of the process though. You can study the Bible, pray and listen to preaching in order to hear the Word of God for your life. But then comes the understanding. This is where you have to look at what you are hearing with spiritual eyes. You can ask the Holy Spirit to explain it to you. Read it i=over and even ask people who you trust to know the Word of God to explain it to you. This is also one of the many reasons it is good to have a home church where you can hear the systematic teaching of God's word so that you can get a better understanding through repeated messages and built systems of doctrine (that is a fancy way of saying teaching of a subject). 

Next comes doing. Again, not always easy but simple. When we hear we will show how much we understand by what we do. If you know the blessing then you will go after it. If you know the reward then you will labor for it. It just makes sense because it is so simple. I know I personally will endure a workout to feel good and to look good. I will abstain from foods that I like in order to feel good and look good. I know the reward so I will put myself through the pain in order to get to it. With God's word it is no different. If we truly understand what God is offering to us we will endure any hardship and make the changes we need in order to succeed. 

It is so simple and yet we may miss it if we are not careful. Don't miss out. Hear, understand and do. 

Have you seen this work in your life? What are some other ways to have a better understanding?

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 361 - Looking Ahead

"It is a good way to get going on the new year."

I have tried to approach life in many different ways over the years. Before I had the responsibilities I currently have, or have had in recent years, it was easy to go with the current. The relaxed approach and last minute planning worked well enough. 

When I married my wife it drove her nuts. Having kids made us prepare like crazy so I had to change. Thankfully kids require less as they grow older. 

As my responsibilities increased at church I found myself planning services and series. The seasons helped as well as having a team of people who had gifts and abilities that I didn't have. My wife helped me with this as well. Thankfully we have been able to work at the same place since we have been married. 

Eventually I was overseeing everything at the church and I found I was at the end of myself. It was at this point that I had to pray and ask God for the administrative gifting. Thankfully He is gracious and blessed me to have a mind to oversee and look ahead. The planning became a part of me. I actually would go home thinking I was a month ahead. It has made for some funny conversations. 

Looking ahead to the new year I think it is good to try and see a new vision of what we want our year to look like. Simple questions can help in this process. What are you unsatisfied with? What would you like to change? What are your goals? If money wasn't an issue what would you do? Why are you letting money stop you from it? 

I guess the whole point is to get some sort of vision. Allow yourself to dream. Part of the Holy Spirit's job description in the book of John is to show us things to come. Pray and ask God to show you what is ahead this coming year. Why wait until New Year's Eve to make a resolution because someone asks you what your resolutions are? You can start looking ahead now. 

Do you have any dreams for next year? How do you plan to accomplish them?

Friday, December 25, 2015

Day 360 - Keep it Going

"Ah the day after Christmas. For the most part we did what one should on the day after Christmas which is to let the kids play with their toys and go watch TV and relax."

Christmas is a time that can be a whirlwind of activity. People with young families or who have multiple events on Christmas day find themselves traveling from place to place and reliving the same experiences of opening gifts and eating too much with different family members and friends. There is nothing wrong with this. It can just be exhausting. Hosting the event can be just as taxing. Cleaning, cooking, setting the table, cleaning again, setting out desserts, cleaning again, opening again. You get the point. 

With all of the activity behind it is wise to take a brake and turn off the brain for a moment before you hit the new year with focus and intensity. 

In your rest there is still a work that has to be carried on. Never let up on the reason we celebrated Christmas. Jesus is still the reason for the season. Jesus is the reason for every day. Jesus is the reason for every season. We cannot rest or relax our faith and our daily walk with Him. 

Every day should be a Christmas day for us. It should be a celebration of God who loved us so much He sent Jesus to be with us. We now carry the presence of God in our hearts just like the manger carried the baby Jesus so long ago. 

Take a breath, watch a movie, relax, but be sure to keep it going. Talk about Jesus. Celebrate Him with your family. Enjoy His blessings and special moments each and every day. 

What are some ways we can keep the spirit of Christmas all year? How do we celebrate Jesus on a day that is not a holiday or church day?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 359 - Merry Christmas

"It is Christmas Day! When we woke up I stayed in bed and prayed for a while and read the Bible and then went down where everyone was. Breakfast was in full swing and the smell of bacon was in the air."

This was the ideal Christmas morning. It started with prayer and the Word and then for breakfast was bacon. Anyone who has been to our men's ministry meetings at our church knows that there is a special place in a man's heart for bacon. Even the vegans chant 'bacon' with us though they won't partake. 

As much as I love bacon and Christmas and the fun of family and friends it is nothing compared to my love for the Lord. I am amazed at the care and sacrifice Jesus gave for me. He gave everything! 

I think about Jesus in Heaven, looking down on the earth and the corruption of sin. The Father knew from the beginning what had to be done. He ordained Jesus as His Son, the only begotten, and sent Him to earth on a rescue mission. Jesus had a human body that started as a fetus and became a baby in the womb of Mary. He was born through the natural process. His first breath was probably laced with the smell of animal urine and feces. Here he was in a manger. Surrounded by the animals He had created. 

Quite different than our Christmas with the smell of breakfast and the laughter of family and friends. Here was the one who named the stars and stretched out the heavens contained in a human form. It is a mystery and yet altogether wonderful in every sense of the word. 

Lets purpose to take a moment in the midst of the sights and smells of the festivities and remember our Humble King who came to save us. He sacrificed it all so that we could be his children and brought to life. Express the gratitude of your heart in prayers and celebration for all He has done. 

What are your favorite Christmas sights and smells? What are some ways to stay grateful? 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 358 - The Beauty of the Season

"Christmas Eve. It was a beautiful day." 

In many ways Christmas Eve has become as memorable as Christmas Day. Families host gatherings, parties happen in the workplace and amongst friends. Christmas Eve has also been popularized by movies and stories of what happens on that night. 

Growing up I remember opening gifts on Christmas Eve and then enjoying them on Christmas Day. I don't think we did that every year but it was fun when we did. In the same way I am sure you may have fond memories of things that happened on Christmas Eve. Family traditions and celebrations that happened may have significance or special memories. 

I would encourage you to look for the beauty of the day. I think of the feeling in Heaven on the day before Jesus was born on the earth. The Son of God was physically formed in Mary's womb and only Heaven knew the following day would bring Him into the world and change history forever. I can only imagine the anticipation of the angelic host as they looked on the events on the earth. I can imagine the watchful eyes of the Father as He looks on at the events unfolding. Joseph and Mary traveling and making their way to Bethlehem and the pains and discomfort of a full term pregnancy. 

What a day. What a thought. 

Now that Jesus has come and we look back on those events we should look for the beauty of what God is doing. God has a special plan and good works He has prepared for us to do. Heaven is still watching and anticipating the plan of the Father coming to fruition on the earth. The Father is watching over your life and Jesus is interceding for you while the Holy Spirit is leading you. 

Enjoy your Christmas Eve. May God bless it and reveal His plans in and through you. 

What is your favorite Christmas Eve memory? How can we live out God's plan and see His beauty today? 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 357 - Turn It Up

"The volume level was up past 11."

It is the time of the year for family, friends and food. We all could probably compare the volume levels of our family activities. Even my side of the family which is a total of eleven people and has a few introverts gets loud. 

It is also a time to linger and talk or just hang out. Some like to watch the game or a Christmas classic. 

And the food...dinner, snacks, desserts, baking and the list goes on! I have to detox after the new year starts. Thankfully we fast in January to seek the Lord but it also has added health benefits. 

All of this is an opportunity to turn up another level. It is an opportunity to talk about what is truly important. It is a time to patch up relationships and restore what was lost. It is a good time to pull someone aside and say "I love you" "I forgive you" and anything else that needs to be said. It is a good time to breach subjects that matter. 

Keep the motivation love and look for appropriate timing. But take the opportunity when it is presented. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to open the door and then be on the lookout for His leading. 

Too many bad things have happened on the holidays to ruin them for years to come. Purpose this Christmas and New Year that it will be different. Turn up the volume on your life and love. 

Have you ever been able to repair a relationship at Christmas? What are some other things we can present this season? 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 356 - Where to Find God

"When I asked him if he went to church he said no but his church was outdoors. Sure, you feel close to the Lord in nature but he doesn't know what he is missing." 

I have had varied answers to the question "Do you go to church?" People have stuttered, laughed and changed the subject when asked. Some have gone into confession mode while others have justified their absence. 

This response last year was an interesting one. He didn't go to church but he said his church was the outdoors. He wasn't opposed to God but He wasn't for Him either. What is sad is that God is not opposed to us enjoying creation. What God is opposed to is us worshipping creation. 

Think about it. This man loved the outdoors, spent his time and money to be outdoors and had his occupation outdoors. Whatever has that much time, talent and resource is taking the place of God. 

People are searching for God in the wrong places in the wrong ways. Jesus showed up in the book of Revelation in the midst of the candle stands. He was tending to the flame of the church. When two or more are gathered in His name there He is in their midst. God goes to church! 

You can say the golf course is your church or the mall but I'm not buying it. God says that the church is the pillar and ground of truth. We are built in to the house of God. It is the place where we hear His voice, grow in wisdom and the knowledge of God and fellowship with other believers. It is the place where destiny and purpose flow from. If you are looking for God you can find Him in church. 

Have you had any other responses to the question "Do you go to church?" How can we turn these types of conversations into opportunities?

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Day 355 - 10 Days Left

"I gave the altar call and talked fast but by the end I slowed down and knew that I had their attention. The number of people who raised their hands confirmed it. There were ninety six people who responded."

It is the final countdown to the end of the year. Christmas is five days away and we have 10 days left until we close out the year. In this season there is a captive audience waiting to hear about Christmas, Jesus and the true God. 

This past weekend I had the privilege of preaching the Christmas weekend. It was great to see so many people respond to the call for salvation. It is an opportune time and season for salvation. Everyone is open to hearing the story of Christmas and when they hear the gospel they are ready to respond. 

Look for the open doors to tell someone about Jesus in the coming days. At work, around the family dinner table, or wherever you happen to be, God wants to use you to tell His story. Look for the open doors and go through them when given the opportunity. 

There is a longing and desire for God. Someone said it is a God shaped hole in our hearts that only Jesus can fill. It is true. Christmas shows us that even when Christ was a baby that He is everything we need. The angel reported to the shepherds that He is the Savior born for all, given to us. He is all inclusive and yet personal. 

Give someone the greatest gift you can this Christmas, give them Jesus! 

Is there a good way to share the love of Jesus at Christmas time that you have used? What about for the end of the year? 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 354 - The Little Things

"I bought a St. James Island pine while there which I planted tonight."

My wife loves the St. James Island Pine. They are nice trees I must admit. We had a tree die in our front yard and she was waiting for that perfect St. James Island pine to take its place. When I finally got it and planted it she was so happy. 

It is the little things in life that often make us happy. Our favorite song on the radio, the colors of the sky, the verse on the Christmas card that we just happened to read the day before. All of these little things make for a smile and a better day somehow. 

My wife and I were watching a Christmas special with lots of big name recording artists and all types of beautiful Christmas music when suddenly they broke into the song "My Favorite Things." I am still trying to figure out how The Sound of Music is Christmas but I enjoy the song so I wasn't mad at them. My wife broke out into song and sang along for a few bars. Not to be outdone I joined in the chorus and we sang all the way through the song to the end. I didn't realize I knew all the words. I must have learned it as a kid for the Christmas pageant at school. (That was a joke in case you missed it.)

The funny thing about that song is that it lists some pretty good things that make us happy. Some of them, like raindrops on roses, you may actually find on my Instagram feed. In any event we were happy after we sang it together. You would have thought we just got off a Broadway stage with the smiles we were wearing. 

In the Bible it says that a happy heart produces a happy face (I'm paraphrasing) but a sad heartbreaks the spirit. There are many broken people around. In the worst of circumstances I have seen some of the happiest people. Like the homeless man who shared with a smile that the Lord had never let him miss a meal. Or the children who were living in the dumps of Mexico but were so happy that people from a church would spend time with them. 

Dwell on the little things that make you happy, and if there are big things that make you happy dwell on those too. It will make your face brighter and your day better. 

What are some simple things that make you happy? Have you ever seen someone happy in adversity? Why were they happy? 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 353 - Again and Again

"It was just like last year with a few changes."

I have talked a lot on this blog about how our year seems to repeat itself on the same day doing the same thing. I have also talked about the traditions of our lives and how the routines can actually be helpful.

Today I want to focus on the changes that need to happen. Even with a cyclic year and the routines and traditions we have to change. God wants to grow our lives and growth means change. 

Think about it this way; if you encountered the same series of events but kept your natural time and aging process the scenarios you face would be different. Why? Because you are different. As you grow older your physical body would respond to the same challenges in different ways. 

Now get yourself back into reality. When you approach the times and seasons of life each day, week, month and year you are different. Not just physically but also mentally and spiritually. Hopefully we have learned something over the course of the year and don't repeat the mistakes of the past. I don't want to be the same man I was last year nor do I want to be the same Christian I was last year. I want to be better!

In order for that to happen I have to change. I have to allow the growth that God produces through trial and hardship to take me to new levels. I have to learn the lessons and not forget. I have to walk in the Spirit and allow the life of Christ to make me into His image. I have to pray and let God do His work in and through me. 

When we come to repetitive times and seasons we have to look at them with the fresh eyes of how we will respond this time around. Christmas is one week away. Did you have a good Christmas last year? How can you make it better? Did you have a bad Christmas last year? What can you do this year to fix that?  

Change is necessary and wonderful. All our lives we will be growing. I guess you could say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it; but see if you can make it better."

What do you see that hinders change and growth? How can we promote growth?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 352 - Fix It

"Jess is currently replacing her broken phone glass."

My wife is not only pretty but she is a go getter. She just gets in and makes things happen. When her phone glass was broken she decided to fix it herself. She did it too. 

I have benefitted from being her husband because I don't always have the same drive that she does. In fact I often would rather avoid certain issues and see how they play out on their own. 

As a leader and someone who is responsible I can't always do that. More often than not the right answer is to confront an issue and hit it head on rather than bury my head in the sand. 

Laziness and apathy will hinder this drive and halt progress. If left unchecked it will morph into fear and will drive us even further away from courage and doing what is right. Eventually we will find ourselves frozen without the capacity to make changes or do anything productive. The issues will rule us. 

Rather than be ruled by issues we will rule them when we confront and deal with issues as they occur. It is hard work tackling tough issues. In the end it is worth it. I find that afterward when the dust has settled I feel better and the outcome is right. There is nothing unresolved and the issue is settled. 

If you have left something unresolved and your issues are ruling you it is time to fix it. Let me be to you like my wife is to me. Get after it. Don't be afraid. You can do it!

Do you see any examples of unresolved issues that damaged someone? What scriptures deal with this? 

Day 351 - Seeking

"I will seek the Lord."

The search of man is for God. We grope and reach as in darkness, blind poor and needy. The questions plague us and we try to understand the incomprehensible. 

Then the light breaks through the darkness as the glorious light of the gospel shines on our hearts. The veil of separation is torn and the way opened to us. Our search has drawn us to Him. We have found Him, or more accurately, have been found by Him. 

Our search has changed. We know the Who and that has given us the why of life. We search for our unique purpose and our place in the body of Christ. We search for the will of God. We search for the leading of the Lord. 

Where do we search? If we look to circumstances they will lead us astray. They often are very contrary to God. So we look past these. We look to God the way He has opened for us through prayer, the Word and our times with God in praise. God will lead and He knows how to get our attention. He speaks our language and knows how to communicate His will and way to us. 

Never give up the search. There is always more. God is bigger and we are growing in our wisdom and knowledge of Him. The more we know the more we realize how little we know. So we press on each and every day in the search. 

Is there any other way to search for God that we didn't list here? What do you do when you find the will of God?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 350 - Unexpected Blessings

"I bought A. A. Milne's book “When we were very young” thinking it was about Winnie the Pooh again but it turned out to be a book of poetry. At first we were disappointed but then while looking at the pictures I started reading some of the poems and the kids got into it. Soon they were laughing and enjoying the poems. One especially where the kid was walking on the squares and avoiding the lines so that the Bears wouldn't eat him."

I have often ventured out thinking that something was a certain way and have been surprised to find something else. I can see that throughout the year it has been a reoccurring theme in my life and in my writing. Yesterday's post is proof of that. 

Today I see another side of this thought. There are unexpected blessings on the path we take. It is as if God is up the road leaving gifts along the way for us to find. I am sure He delights to see how we will respond when we find His hand at work in our life and the blessings enjoyed. 

The unexpected blessing of the book I bought last year was not the fact that we enjoyed a book. The real blessing was that I was expecting to put my kids to bed with a story as I normally would and instead found laughter, joy and shared memories with my children. Money can't buy that blessing. 

We may think we are cooking dinner, walking into a meeting or going grocery shopping. If our steps are ordered of the Lord, and they are, then we can be assured that there will be divine appointments and unexpected blessings as we walk in His ways. The blessings of friendship, marriage, parenting, prosperity and success await. 

Have you found any unexpected blessings on the path lately? Should we expect blessings?

Day 349 - Crazy Enough to Try

"He said he wanted to go to the beach."

Last year in December my son and I went to the beach and had a great time. It was warm and sunny. He dug a hole in the sand big enough to jump in. We scoured the beach for shells and then went and had a burger together. 

I look at that and wonder how we could do that in December. It surely has a lot to do with the fact that we are in Southern California and it was a drought year for us. Not only that I am crazy enough to take a chance. There is an adventurous spirit in me that won't settle for average. 

December should not be a beach going month and yet we tried it and found it to be a wonderful time. This year the weather is much colder so it may not work now. 

In life there are times and seasons as well and we need to launch out and try. The Bible talks about sowing different seeds in different places at different times because you don't know which one will produce a crop for you. Isaac sewed in a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold in the same year. What if he sat back and said "It is famine. I shouldn't sow seed right now."

For all of us we need to be crazy enough to try. Try a new business idea, try a new recipe. Try a new look or a new color. Try a different brand or try something different on the menu. The worst that can happen is you don't like something or it doesn't work out. The best that could happen is that you prosper and enjoy life.

What have you been wanting to try but haven't yet? Have you seen that when you try something it works out good?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 348 - Not What it Looks Like

"God is faithful and true no matter what I think or see. What matters is what God thinks and sees."

When Jesus came people were not expecting Him to come as He did. In fact if I would have written the Bible I am sure the text would be very different. 

I would have written a grand story like all the others. Jesus would have been very well received, He would have had every earthly comfort and lived a perfect life. At least I would have agreed with God on one point. 

Jesus would have still been the hero in my story and would have died in our place and been raised again to life. But in my story it wouldn't have been such a brutal death. No it would have been like when Superman died. It would have been an epic battle with the devil where Satan thought He struck the final blow and then Jesus would have raised again to life and totally annihilated the devil. Okay so there is a second point of the story my narrative would have agreed with. 

What is so awesome about Christmas, and even Jesus' life, is that it is a story like no other. No man could have nor would have written it. We mess things up when we try to play God. 

This Christmas you may have expectations of how things should go. There may be a picture in your mind of the perfect Christmas dinner, the perfect gift, the perfect Christmas morning or even the perfect message at church. Realize that God's picture is so much better. He sees what we don't see. He has plans that blow our plans out of the water. 

Look for the leading of God and grab hold of what He is doing this Christmas season. It may be unexpected like a baby in a manger. It may be as surprising as the cross. One thing I can tell you is that when God is involved it will be in His time, in His way and it will be as powerful as the resurrection because that is where everything in life flows from. Jesus is the Author of life. The story He is writing is wonderful and perfect. Let's live out His story.

What is your favorite unexpected part of the Christmas story? How do you see God's story being written in your life?

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 347 - Just Let It Happen

"We came home and the boys got baths. My son did a cannon ball into the center of the bath tub. It was like watching a train wreck. You can't stop it but you can't look away."

There are experiences we have in life that at the moment seem like they will be catastrophic. Looking back on them you smile and may even laugh when you recount the tale to others. Somehow you recovered and are able to tell the tale. 

You surely have had family over and someone breached a subject and you died a thousand deaths while they talked. Or maybe for you it when you saw your children climbing off of the kitchen counter with chocolate all over their face and the beautiful cake that was waiting to be enjoyed by everyone was left with hand prints and sections missing. (Both of these have happened in our family by the way.)

Whatever the scenario is be sure to laugh and take it all as it comes with grace. This Christmas season as parties are happening and people are over make what is important important. Those things that will happen, and they will, are not the end of the world. There is nothing that you cannot recover from. 

This is the most wonderful season of all. It is a time we celebrate that Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin, laid in a manger. He was announced by angels, adored by wise men, hated by the world, and died for our sins. Be prepared to forgive quickly, make room for error and delay and be lead by love. As you do it will make this season so much more memorable and stress free. And who knows, maybe you will have a story or two to tell when it is all over. 

Have you had any catastrophic Christmas stories that you laugh about now? How did you recover from them?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 346 - For The Win

"I must have been healed because this morning I got up early and went to pray without any difficulty like the past two days."

Yesterday's post was about The Fight. We do our part with all we have. The great thing is that all we have is not enough. Why is that great? Because that is where the grace of God comes in and makes up the difference. 

Much has been said about grace over the years. I learned a simple definition of God's riches at Christ's expense" when I was young in the faith. I also learned the even simpler definition of "unmerited favor" when I got a little older. What really opened my eyes was when I leaned that grace is "God's sovereign Divine ability to get the job done on my behalf when I can't do it." It is "God's power in me to do what His truth demands of me."

All of those definitions add up to the fact that we cannot make it in life without a supernatural God. He alone makes up the difference. We may pray and fight and give but it will always be short. If we are to be more than a conqueror in life it will only be through Christ. Going for the win without Christ won't make it. Jesus is the ultimate victor and He gives us the victory. 

If you are at the end of your rope then realize that you can't do it on your own. Have you ever hear the expression "Let go and let God"? There is something to that. Tap into the grace of God. You do all you can and pray and ask God to work in and through you to make up the difference for the win. 

Have you seen the grace of God at work in your life? What scriptures deal with grace?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 345 - The Fight

"I am fighting physically a sickness. But the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through God. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. In Jesus name me and my household are healed!" 

The Fight. You have it. You may have lost it. You can get it back. 

You have a fight in you. Life will try to beat you down. The devil is always looking for a cheap shot when your not looking. He fights dirty and swings below the belt. He may leave you alone for a while but he will be looking for an opportune time. The problem is the devil has already lost. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. God will soon crush Satan under your feet. You don't have to fear the devil or the daily fight just for life. Jesus is your victor. You are just gathering the results and enforcing the victory. It just takes a fight. 

You may have lost the fight. Small losses over time or the continuous beatings have wore you down like the waves on the shore. Continuous repetitious hammering. And so you finally threw in the towel. It is time to pick it up again. It is time to fight. 

You can get it back. Call on God and ask for the power of the Holy Spirit. Take up the authority of the name of Jesus and shout at the devil. Don't sit there and take what he is dishing out. God will make you to stand. Put on your armor, speak the word of God and get in the fight. 

I mentioned sickness in my journal entry from last year; what other fights do we encounter? Are there specific scriptures we can use to fight with? 

Day 344 - An Open Conversation About Life

" open conversation...about life..."

I think we need more of this. We need to be open and honest about life. Not rude or ugly but motivated by love. We can do it if we are willing to do some things.

We cannot have an open conversation about life if we are distracted. We need to put the electronics down and turn them off. I heard a report on the radio today that there are buses in our area installing loud speakers outside the bus to alert people who may be distracted by electronic devices to let them know the bus is coming. Apparently people are getting hit by buses for this reason. Otherwise they wouldn't be putting in speakers to tell people a huge bus is headed towards them. Maybe I need a loud speaker to tell people I want their undivided attention.

If you're married and trying to fix your marriage then checking updates online will not help you connect to your spouse who is sitting in the same room with you. If you are working on the job you will not win points with your boss by posting selfies and hash tags about work. Get to work. Listen to your boss. Offer ideas.

We also need to be ready to see ourselves. I have found that I don't always have the right perspective on how I am perceived. I think people see me one way and often they see me another way. Good or bad.

I recently had someone tell me how they viewed me in a moment of crisis. They were saying how I took charge and lead with clear direction and authority. My presence gave them comfort and strength to follow and do what needed to be done. They saw me as firing off decisions and taking action. You want open and honest? I told them how I viewed myself. I felt like I was part of the crowd and was just following and doing what needed to be done. Thankfully they caught something else!

I have had the opposite happen to me as well. There have been times I have thought I was calm, collected, clear and my wife or my employees have come to me and told me quite the opposite. I was shouting, disturbed, frustrated and all over the place.

When you have an open conversation and get honest and real then you see what others see. You see you. Sometimes you has to change. I know...I've had to change. But I am better for it.

Don't be missing when it comes to your life. Your spouse, friends, children and co-workers need you. Get rid of the distractions and take some time to focus and talk about life. Have an open and honest conversation. Be ready for change as you see yourself through others eyes. As you do life will get better.

Have you had any open conversations like this lately. Are there other factors that hinder us from talking?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 343 - Saving Grace

"The food wasn't all that great."

Apparently the day wasn't all that great either. We went to a theme park last year that is called 'The happiest place on earth.' As I looked over the day's events it was anything but happy. There was a flat tire, disobedient children, bad food, crowds, a lost wallet and vomit on the way home. 

Have you ever had a day like that where it seemed that everything that could go wrong did? We actually planned the day for fun, happiness and family togetherness and ended up doing the opposite. 

It is funny though because the one saving grace of the day was something special. 

Remember the lost wallet? We were all so worried about it. My sister who lost it had that sick feeling. You know the one. That terrible feeling in your gut that all your personal information and access to your money is out there for anyone to steal. That feeling in the back of your mind that you will have to call every agency and bank you work with in order to stop the old cards and get new ones. It is a terrible feeling. 

We stopped and looked all around. We prayed and looked again. We asked at the lost and found and hit up every employee and trash can we could find. 

Finally on our way out they told us to look one last place. We had given up hope but thought we would try just in case. If they didn't have it that night we would call the next day.

I remember my sister walking to the counter, talking for a minute and then jumping up and down like she won the price is right. With tears in her eyes she was praising God. 

What a day. I guess it wasn't so bad after all. That one saving grace saved the day. It comes down to where you look. Will you look at everything that is wrong or look for the saving grace of God?

Have you had a day like the one I described? What was the saving grace that redeemed the day?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 342 - A Change of Heart

"We made our annual Gingerbread house. I think it was our best one yet."

When we first got married my wife brought home a gingerbread house for us to make together. I wasn't exactly thrilled and let her know that I didn't really want to make a gingerbread house. She was hurt and a little bit of Christmas joy died in her heart that day. Okay, maybe it wasn't so dramatic but I wasn't scoring any good husband points nonetheless. 

Later, when we had kids later, Jess would always buy a gingerbread house for the family to decorate. The kids enjoy eating the candy as much as they do decorating the house. I usually am like the general contractor overseeing the subs and making sure construction, icing, and candy decorations all run smoothly and make for the perfect house. 

In recent years I have handed over more and more responsibility to the kids since they are getting older and are able to do more. It really has been fun. 

It is good for us to change and enjoy things in life that we didn't always enjoy. A change of heart can make life much better. Pride will stop us from having this type of change. But just because you may have tried something once or thought you didn't like something doesn't mean that you won't like it in the future. Especially when people you love are involved. 

This Christmas season make sure that you enjoy the times you have. If there is something hindering you like pride, unforgiveness or bitterness then it is time for a change of heart. Life is too short, the blood of Jesus too strong and the love of God too great to stay stuck in these ways. 

Have you had a change of heart like I did with the gingerbread house? What are some things you enjoy at Christmas? 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 341 - Unlocking Life's Mysteries

"If we understand that parable we will unlock all the parables of life."

When Jesus taught He would always use a parable. A parable is a story that is placed alongside another concept in order to teach or amplify a truth. Sometimes Jesus would give the interpretation of a parable and other times He would not. After Jesus taught the parable of the sower his disciples asked Him about the meaning behind it. Jesus said that in the parable of the sower we would find the key to unlocking all the parables. 

It is interesting to note some things about this parable. I would encourage you to go to Mark chapter 4 and read it in verses 1-20 before you read any further here. 

The whole point of the parable is that the sower sows the word. The word is what we find in the Bible. It is the very word of God. When we speak the word of God it is sown like a seed in our hearts. 

Our hearts are the soil. We can see that there are different kinds of hearts and out of the four types of hearts only one will receive with understanding and produce fruit. That is the kind of heart we all want because we all would like to understand life. 

We have so many questions. Things in life are hard to understand. When the devil attacks or persecution rises like the hot sun or the cares of this life come along and choke us it is all designed to get us off of understanding the word. 

The difference comes when we apply ourselves to hear the word, receive it, understand it and put it to practice. True understanding does what it says. Like when we understand long division we will write it out correctly. In the same way you know someone understands the word when you see the fruit in their life. 

All of the parables, the stories we see and hear every day, the questions we have have that nag us, they all can be answered in this one parable. It is the key that unlocks the mysteries. It is found in the word of God. Sow it into your life. Receive it with a heart that desires to understand it and readily submit to it and put it into practice. As you do you will show by your fruit that you get the word of God. 

Are there other parables that have the 'seed' of the word in them? How do they further our understanding? 

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 340 - Come Away

"Not a bad day after such a busy week. It was nice to relax and spend some time with Jess and the family."

After the fight is over it is time for a rest. We often go so hard and so long that we forget about ourselves. Recently I was in a crisis situation where there were trained professionals who counseled us to take breaks and make sure we eat. It seems so insignificant but it is essential to have some respite. 

It almost seems heroic to say that we never took a break. I read of the men in the Bible who fought for so long that their hand froze to their weapon. In our workaholic culture we would want to name our children after that guy. 

I understand that when you have no option you do what you have to do. But then I look at Jesus. After all didn't he take time away? Sure he ended up doing more ministry because the people followed Him but the intent was to rest. 

It is significant that the Bible records Jesus sleeping in the boat. He had to take the opportunities as they arose. And in many ways we also should be intentional about our rest but also take the opportunities when they present themselves. 

If you are battle weary and ready to throw in the towel take some time out if you can. Think ahead and even schedule it in your planner if you have to. After you get away for a day or have some time to yourself you will probably end up being more productive and better to be around. 

Have you seen the benefits of taking time out? Are there other ways to be intentional about rest?

Day 339 - Celebration time

"It was messy and lots of last minute things needed to be done."

Christmas is coming up. You probably are like me and have lots of details to get done before you can celebrate. It can be a mess of shopping, details, emotions, and many other things. 

Anything done right will take time and effort. The larger the thing the more mess to make it right. After all the details are nailed down and the pieces are in order it is time to celebrate. 

It is all worth it in the end. You may bleed before you sing but it is worth it. 

Think about what had to happen before the greatest event the world had ever known took place. God had to set up thousands of years with lives, prophesies, nations and kings moving people and God moving a star in the heavens before He could bring Jesus on the earth. 

To Him it was worth it. So for us it is worth celebrating. Yes it is a lot of work and family can be the toughest critics but that should t be the motivation for what we do. Shine the light and celebrate Jesus this season. 

How do you celebrate? What is your favorite Christmas memory? 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 338 - Here is why we pray

"God is a God of order and not chaos. He is a God of the fullness of time and of plans from ages past. He patiently waits to bring forth all things in their time and season."

Yesterday's tragic events in our city were on my mind as I woke up today. I prayed. I gave all my concerns and cares to God. I asked God for His peace and comfort for the families of the victims and for those traumatized by the events. I prayed for protection and blessing for our city. 

There are people who don't understand why authorities and others are saying that thoughts and prayers are going out on behalf of San Bernardino. I don't expect them to. They don't understand spiritual things because they aren't spiritual people. Spiritual things can only be spiritually discerned. Of coarse they wouldn't think prayer would do anything because they see it as foolishness. So they post that God isn't going to fix the gun control problem. 

God forgive them. 

This is why we pray. God is the only one who can fix anything. We are barking up the wrong tree if we think that laws or government can renew a mind or soften a heart. It simply won't. It may keep some order and help the common good but it will never save a soul. One little prayer can change the course of history. One prayer can bring down empires. One prayer can get past armies into the inner chambers and secret places and thwart the best laid plans of generals and kings. 

The reason prayers work is because God works with them. We pray because as God hears us ask His will on the earth it is His good pleasure to carry it out. God knows what we are going through. He knows the pain and suffering better than we do because He sees and knows it all fully. He even sees the things we cannot like motives and hearts. 

So we pray. I am thankful to those around the world who have reached out and offered prayers, love and support for our city and our people. I pray for you as well. I still am praying for Ukraine, for Paris, for Iraq and Syria, for Israel and for the areas all over affected by war and violence. There is far too much unjust activity on the earth and only God is the answer. So we pray. 

Feel free to offer any thoughts or even write a prayer in the comments section. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 337 - Worst Case Scenario

"Before church I was able to sit at the table with the kids. I am a blessed dad."

Today these words jumped out at me because the worst case scenario happened. There was an active shooter less than a mile from our church and fourteen people are dead with seventeen wounded. Thankfully they found the shooters and they are no longer a threat. 

Our church opened its doors to the police and those who were working in the building where the shooting took place. It was an honor to serve these hurting people and encourage the brave men and women who were putting their lives on the line and running to the fight rather than away from it. One detective had a blood soaked shirt when he came in. Thankfully I had some shirt samples from past events and was able to bless him with a fresh shirt to wear. We also provided drinks and snacks for hundreds of people as they came on our campus. 

One chaplain that came left after several hours and as he said goodbye he shared that he was going to hug his children and grandchildren. On a day like today when it is the worst case scenario remember what is important. Loving God means loving people. Make sure you say "I love you" to those closest to you as much as you can. Serve others and preach the gospel in word and deed. 

Instead of asking any questions feel free to post your thoughts. Would you take a moment and pray for San Bernardino and for the families effected by this tragedy? 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 336 - Let it Rain

"A rainy day at last. It feels like ages since we have had a full day of rain."

Living in Southern California we don't get much rain. I remember as a child we had a huge storm where it rained for three days straight. At the end of the storm we went outside to play and found a huge puddle. We splashed and played for what seemed like hours. My dad even came and played in the puddle with us. He would take his foot and kick the water at us making waves that towered over our heads. We ended our play time with a hot shower to warm back up since we were wet and cold. 

The past few years we have been in drought. A few years ago the trees never dropped their leaves and last year the strawberries never stopped producing fruit. While I enjoyed having fresh year round strawberries I am hating the water restrictions we currently have now. I would much rather have a rainy season. 

Dry seasons in life can be tough. I have experienced times where I was spiritually dried up. Many of you reading know that feeling. You feel like you are in a dark place and wish you could hear God's voice or experience His presence. 

For a year I interned at a church in the San Diego area. I was spending time on the road, money on gas and energy on ministry. The problem was I only gave out and never filled back up. After my savings dried up, my time was all spent and I was spiritually dry I knew something had to change. I found a church service on a Sunday night and sat in the back. The moment the guy on the guitar strummed the first note I was in tears. God ministered to me through those songs and moments with him by myself in the back of that church for a few months while I finished my internship. 

If you are in a dry season then it is time to identify the factors that have dried you up. Mine was from doing ministry but not being ministered to. Receiving was (and is) as important as giving. Maybe for you it is something different. Pray and ask the Holy Soirit what it is and how you can deal with it. It could be forgiving an offense, getting back to church, spending time with God in prayer and study of His word or something else that God reveals to you. Whatever it is be diligent with it and as you do expect God to send the rain! 

Have you ever experienced a dry season in your life? How did you come out of it?