"The guy I met with shared that he had been a drug addict and when he started coming to the church he was coming on the buses and getting food. He really loves The Rock for that. He now has a job and a vehicle and when he gives his tithes he knows it is going to help people and further the gospel. He told me that God jammed him up that he needed to choose either the drugs or his kids. Thankfully he made the right choice for his kids."
Too many times we hear of people who we know and love making the wrong choices. Their decisions effect their own personal lives as well as their families and friends. It is sad to see the results of wrong choices and bad decisions.
I have shared in past blogs about how I hate seeing the effects of sin. It grieves me when people who were once on fire for the Lord turn their backs and walk away. But here in today's journal entry I see someone who was stuck in his sinful ways making a Godly decision.
What made him different? How did he arrive at Godly decisions where others fail?
I see some key things in his life. First was that he had an open heart to hear the word of the Lord. He had been getting help and the goodness of God lead him to repentance. He was attending church and his life was changing. We all at some point or another will be confronted with the word of God. You cannot hear the truth and not be challenged to change. The word is designed to show you where you need to change and then give you the power to change.
The second thing I see that helped him to make a Godly choice was that he saw what was important. His children are ultimately more important than the pleasure he was receiving from his sin. Those drugs could never be as important as his children. The value he placed on them made the decision easy. It also showed him the severity of making the wrong choice.
Finally, he add the choice based on his relationship to the Lord. He was learning from God and now was presented with a choice from the Holy Spirit. When you have a relationship with someone and you know their character then when they ask you for something it makes the choice easier. Knowing who God is and having the fellowship of the Holy Spirit will help us to make Godly decisions.
What factors help you to make the right decisions? How can we differentiate between Godly and ungodly?
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