Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 213 - This Blog Just Got Weird

"It was weird."

Sometimes a good idea at the time gets weird. I have thought in my mind something would turn out good and then it turns out...

I once heard an interview with Tom Hanks. He said he had made a few good movies and a lot of bad ones. I get it Tom! 

We have to call it. It is better to admit it and move forward. I had some guys in our young adults ministry when I was leading it drive up on a Vespa with helmets and round goggles on riding together. The first words out of the drivers mouth were "It just got weird." Indeed. We had a good conversation afterward from what I remember. 

Have you had anything like this happen to you? What do you do when things get weird? 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Day 212 - Trimming Our Sails

"It looks like we are going back into a mode of church growth and aligning ourselves for momentum. Trimming our sails and catching the wind if you will. It takes work on our part to find where the Spirit is moving and direct our lives and ministries to be moved in the direction He is leading."

Sailing has so many parallels to life. Throughout the Bible you will find nautical terms. One of the most famous is the one in Hebrews that says we have this hope as an anchor for our soul. 

Even if you haven't sailed I'm sure you can imagine a boat in the water with a sail on it. The wind moves and if the sail is set up right then the boat is pushed by the wind. The better you catch the wind the faster the boat moves. 

Momentum in our lives is a lot like that. As we align ourselves with the word of God and get in position to catch what the Spirit is doing it will move us in the direction of our goals. If we fight against God we will have no momentum. In fact in sailing terms, when you are facing the wind and go nowhere, it is called being 'in irons' or we would say in handcuffs or jail. You aren't able to do anything as long as you are working against the wind. Similarly you wont do anything when you work against God!

Find out where God is moving and get in line with it. Close in and set your course. Stay faithful and close to Him. As you do you will have a Godly momentum that cannot be stopped. 

Have you experienced adjusting your life to catch the momentum of God? How can we make those adjustments and sustain momentum?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 211 - The Long Haul

"Only people with longevity get to see those types of things." 

The reward of longevity is seeing goals accomplished. Ask anyone who has weathered a storm or who has stuck it out if they were glad they did. They will tell you that it was tough but totally worth it. 

My father in law has been the pastor of our church for the past 27 years. He took a group of 12 people, most of whom were his family, and today tens of thousands attend our church. A few years ago he told a group of pastors one of the secrets of his success. He told them the reason he was successful when others failed was because he outlasted them. 

The same is true in all areas of life. Don't stop until you reach the goal. Stay in for the long haul. You will be glad you did!

Have you stuck out any storms? What rewards have you seen for staying in for the long haul? 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Day 210 - This is Really Important

"The decision was made by a best two out of three game of Rock, Paper, Scissors."

Very important decisions should be made with this system, specifically, the best two out of three. You can't just do one game and that's it. The decisions I often have made with this method have included but are not limited to; diaper changing, getting up with kids in the middle of the night, cleaning the kitchen after dinner, and many other life and death decisions. 

Whatever the outcome of the game I know I played well and left it all on the battlefield. 

I think this parallels the Bible verse that says the lot is cast into the lap but the answer comes from the Lord. This might be the modern day equivalent. 

God knows our ways and directs our paths. We can trust that no matter if decisions are fun or tough that we will be okay and God is working it together for our good. 

What decisions have you made with Rock, Paper, Scissors? How can you tell that God is working things out on your behalf?

Monday, July 27, 2015

Day 209 - What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

"The question is 'Should we?' We agreed again to wait on The Lord."

What do you do when you don't know what to do? The answer is simpler than we think. I know I have a way of complicating things in my mind by looking to multiple outcomes. Eventually my mind is exhausted and I give up on any solutions and end up doing nothing. 

The simple answer is that We are to wait on the Lord. It is a simple answer and sounds like we should do nothing. On the surface it seems that waiting on the Lord means we sit back and God will either do it all for us or He will eventually give us the answer. I am not throwing those scenarios out because God can do whatever He wants. But the definition of waiting on the Lord is surprisingly active on our part. 

Waiting on the Lord means that we intertwine ourselves with the Lord. The image that we get from this word is that we are like the braided rope that is wrapped around and woven together. 

So what do you do when you don't know what to do? Get wrapped up in the Lord and wait with expectancy for His way to be accomplished. As you get wrapped up in Him He will be in you and you can't go wrong with that! 

What are some ways we can get wrapped up in God? Have you seen this work in your life?

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Day 208 - Look Right Through Me

"The cry of my heart tonight is “Lord I need You!” Everywhere and in every way. May I not get puffed up with the praises of men or caught up in my own publicity. I humble myself and exalt Christ."

It almost seems counterproductive to post this section of my journal because it deals with humility. You can tell someone is not humble when they tell you they are. I am not tooting my own horn, I am revealing a very personal cry of my heart that I pray daily in hopes that it will help you. 

I battle pride. The Bible calls it a snare of the devil. I don't want to get caught up in it and have everything I have worked for end up in ruins. When we get into pride the Bible tells us we will actually have God opposing us. It is only in our humility that we will receive the grace of God we need to get the job done. 

I recently read a story of a man who was watching a goat ascend a small trail up the steep part of a mountain. On this narrow trail another goat came down and the two met face to face. At first they paused and then both stepped back a few paces. Then to the man's amazement he watched as the first goat knelt down and allowed the other goat to walk over it's back in order to get by. Then the first goat stood up and continued climbing the mountain. 

It is when we humble ourselves that we will be exalted. The way up is down. When we lower ourselves in humility and submit ourselves to God's will and way for our lives He Himself will lift us up to where He wants us to be. 

The cry of my heart is that people would look right through me and see God. It doesn't matter who knows my name. What matters is that they know the name of Jesus. 

How do you battle pride? What are some ways we can humble ourselves?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Day 207 - Passion

"I preached a passionate word to the end that my voice was starting to go on me."

Is there something you are passionate about? Something that moves you? Something that wakes you up out of bed? 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said "If a man has not discovered something that he will die for he isn't fit to live."

Now before you get down on yourself if you haven't discovered that something yet remember that there is someone Who is passionate about you. When you get a hold of how passionate He is then your passion becomes like a fire within. 

God is passionate about you. That is why Jesus went to the cross. His passion led Him to die for you. 

When I understood the passion of God it changed my life. It has fueled every decision I have made. And now my life's work is telling others the good news that God loves them and is passionate about them. 

God wants to be involved in our lives on the macro and micro levels. He delights in us and dances over us with joy. That is kind of a weird thought, God dancing. It shows His passionate love for us. As a Father with their children so is God with us. 

How does knowing God's passion for you fuel your passion for Him? How can we express that passion?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 206 - The Art of the Edit

"The message could have been huge so I had to edit way down."

There is always more to say than there is time to say it. The message could get long. There is an art to editing your message. Clear, concise and well thought out. 

Not everything that could be said is applicable. Get rid of it. It won't help drive home the point. 

Lots of what is said is redundant. Rather than reinforcing your message it is reducing the interest. Repetition is one thing, redundancy is quite another. 

I find that if I place myself in the seat of my audience, whether that is one on one or in a group setting, that my message will become clearer. If you as yourself, "What am I saying?" "What is the main point?" and "Is this clearly understood?" your message will come through and the edits will be easy. 

The principles here apply to business presentations, witnessing, and any other public speaking you may be doing. It will be clear and clearly understood. 

Is most of your speaking public or one on one? How can editing your message help in your speaking to others?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Day 205 - Daily Prayers

"From the Word: Solomon's blessing from 1 Kings 8:59 “as each day may require”. Our prayers may be the same but applied in a different manner as each day may require. We may pray for protection on two separate days and on one The Lord protects us from a car crash and on another He protects us from evil men who would do us harm. We may pray to The Lord to deliver us from evil on two separate days in the same manner and yet on one He delivers us from evil lusts and on the other He delivers us from the evil one.

Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There should be joy and peace in our believing. Joy of the One who promised and gives us whatever we ask in His name that our joy might be full. Peace in knowing the One who promised is faithful and we let our request rest with Him."

I used to be down on daily prayers. I have known people who have prayer lists and scripted prayers that they pray every day. There is a danger that these prayers become dead and simply a religious act rather than a desperate cry or a life giving plea. 

What changed in me was when I understood the words of Jesus when He stated "In this manner pray..." It wasn't meant to be a script but rather a type of prayer with a formula for life. 

Our prayers may center around a theme of praise and adoration, thanksgiving, asking for blessings or change, and many other topics. But just because they center around these themes daily doesn't mean that they are less heard. It also doesn't mean that it is the same prayer for the same thing even if it is in the same category. 

We can demystify the experience of prayer and realize that we can simply talk to God about every part of our life. And so as each day has it's own issues we bring those issues to God. Work, family, finance, future and whatever else life may bring. Talk with God about it and believe Him for great things. As each day requires He has new mercies waiting for you!

How is your prayer life? What helps you to pray?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Day 204 - Back to Work

"Vacation is officially over. Tonight I sleep in my own bed. We are unpacked and ready for the week. It is nice to be home."

I have read many blogs on the importance of taking a vacation. I agree. We need to stop and rest every now and then. 

There comes a time after the rest where we have to get back to work. When we go back to work our efforts are greater, our resolve stronger and our people are as glad we are back as we are to be back. 

That can only happen when you enjoy what you do. For some they think that you have to switch jobs in order for this to happen. I would say that you have to love God for this to happen. When you work as unto the Lord you will find enjoyment and satisfaction in your work. 

So go on vacation, play hard, and then come home, and work hard. 

How do you feel about your job? How can we work as unto the Lord? 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day 203 - The Devil's Grip

"From the Word: Exodus 8:28 Pharaoh tells Moses that the children of Israel can go worship but he says not to go too far away. Not too far from his reach and their bondage. He will give a little if he doesn't lose his grip. Sin and the devil alike will allow us to go to church and worship The Lord if we don't go too far into Christianity. If we don't get radical and forsake the way of the world the devil is ok with us attending church, praying and even reading the Bible as long as they don't lose their grip on us. With God it is not so. There is no compromise. He tells us to go neither to the right or to the left and the way is narrow. We are to fix our eyes, our hearts and our minds and have one focal point; Jesus."

I don't think I need to say much more than that. Anyone who has struggled with sin knows the devil doesn't give up easily. He wants to dominate our lives and keep us in bondage. The Bible lays out two things for us to do in order to send the devil packing: 1. Submit to God. 2. Resist the devil. It sounds easy but when faced with temptation it seems like it is the hardest thing to do. The good news is that God has given us the power of His Spirit to do what He asks of us.

You don't have to stay in bondage to sin. God has freed those that have been born again from the devil's control. You simply need to submit to God and resist the devil and the devil will flee.

Have you been born again? If not click here. What are your thoughts on Exodus 8:28, sin and bondage? 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 202 - Venturing Out

"The lake was shallow most of the way around to where I walked through knee deep a quarter of the way in to the lake."

There has been a theme running through the last three days; venturing out. It takes more than just starting. There has to be a motivation. Desire will get you the idea, motivation will get you started, carry you through and help you complete. 

When I looked at Tenaya Lake in Yosemite last year it took my breath away. It is one of the most beautiful spots I think I have ever been to. I took some pictures and then looked out on the water and saw my son and nephew far out in the lake...walking. It was quite a strange sight. In fact right there in the middle of the lake they were stacking rocks on top of each other making a small tower of rocks on what seemed to be the water. 

Thoughts of Jesus and Peter ran through my head but this lake was much too calm for that kind of thing so I walked over. I was only knee deep for most of the walk. I was thankful because I still had my camera strapped around my neck. I found when I got closer to them that there was a large boulder that the water was covering with only an inch or so of water making it look like they were walking on water. 

What impressed me is that my son and nephew didn't just look at some rock out on the water and wonder. They ventured out and found it for themselves. I never want to be content watching the accomplishment of others from the shore. There is a time for that but not always. 

Whether in business or in family, in short seasons or life long goals we have to be ready to go exploring. I would have never started my businesses or published a book if I hadn't started taking steps in the direction of my goals. I would have never became a husband or father if I wasn't brave enough either!

Whatever your goals are keep them in sight. You may feel at times while going in their direction that the waters are too high for you. If that is the case then it is time to swim, float or go around, but don't ever stop until you arrive. 

What are your goals? What steps will it take to get to them? 

Day 201 - Pushing On

"We drove to golf and got about five holes in. Jess did exceptionally well. On the fifth hole it rained us out. It actually was hail that was stinging our ears and soaking us. The wind was so strong it was pushing over dad's clubs so I threw them on my back and pushed ahead. He didn't like that but I was fine."

I love how Spurgeon writes that it was by perseverance that the snail reached the ark. It is no different with us. Some things will only get done when we push on. 

If life is tough and the storms rage, push on. When you don't understand and it seems like chaos and confusion, push on. If you don't see the end, push on. You can make it. 

The Bible is right when we read the words 'you have need of endurance'. Life is not a sprint it is a marathon. We win when we finish no matter how short or how long we run. What matters is that we make it to the finish line. The only way to do that is to push on. 

What are some areas you need to push on in your life? How can you do it? 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 200 - The Adventure of Life

"It was an adventure."

In flip flops, my wife and I took our son and nephew down a steep trail following a gorgeous waterfall. We slid down several places and had to climb through some rough and dense foliage. At the end we made it to a road that went by some cute little cabins and ended at a bridge in between twin lakes where we met the rest of our family and turned around to see our trail down the waterfall from the other side. 

Without an adventure life is just boring. We all need a bit of excitement and the unknown to keep our blood pumping. 

This past year I have launched out on a few adventures. While keeping my roles as a man of God, husband and father, pastor and spiritual leader I have also expanded my business, given generously more than I thought I could and published a children's book. 

I never dreamed of the life that God would lead me to. It is an adventure. Faith is an adventure. Marriage is an adventure. Parenting is an adventure. Business is an adventure. Life is an adventure and it is worth venturing out. 

Do you see life as an adventure or a drudge? How does seeing life as an adventure change how we live it? 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 199 - When People Think You're Crazy

"When we drove back we saw six deer on the side of the road. As we were stopped looking at the deer a guy on a bike rode by and was looking at us like we were crazy. Then after he passed us he looked over and saw the deer and turned around to get a photo."

People will think you are crazy from time to time. That is okay. Any good person who is doing something right, innovative or new will seem crazy. 

These days right is being portrayed as wrong and wrong as right. Don't let that deter you from doing what is right. People may think you are wrong, stop and stare or even tell you what you are doing is wrong. Don't let that deter you from doing right. 

Eventually you will be vindicated. Hopefully they will see the wisdom of your actions and follow suit like the man on the bike who saw the deer we were looking at and stopped to admire them himself. Your job is to stay the course and remain faithful. 

What are some good things we do that will be misinterpreted by others? Have you seen people who have come around to wisdom after thinking you were crazy? 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 198 - Be There

"My daughter learned to skip her first rock and was very excited."

There are a lot of firsts that we experience as parents starting with the first breath. As a dad I have tried to be there for as many of these firsts as I can. First steps, first words, first day of school, first game. The list goes on.

I understand that there will be times where a parent has to do what they have to do. Work is a priority to put food on the table and to provide for the family. Any parent would rather be with their child for these firsts but it is inevitable that they will miss something. There is no shame in missing a first because you were working hard to provide.

On the other hand though there are firsts that a parent can and should try to be there for. I remember that when my daughter turned six and she hadn't got her training wheels off yet I had a freak out moment. We immediately went to the park where I ran behind her bike holding the seat and released her to learn to ride. With all of my children I have made sure I was the one running behind the bike.

I am also the one who labored over getting them to tie their shoes. As much as we have been in a rush to get to work or school I cherish those moments on the stairs watching their concentrated faces and tongue sticking out while they run the rabbit around the tree and into the hole. (That is a reference to tying shoes in case you have no idea what I just said.)

More importantly my wife and I have been there for the kids first prayers, prayers of salvation, memory verses, and spiritual conversations. We need to be there for our children. Even if you didn't have the perfect family you do have a perfect God. He will show you how to be there for your children. Through the word and prayer you have everything you need.

What other firsts are important to be there for? What scriptures deal with child-raising?

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 197 - Get To Talking

"We had a long conversation about it."

Life carries a lot of trials with it. I have found that burdens carried alone are heavy. Sharing the burden makes them light. We are told to cast our cares on the Lord because He cares for us. Additionally we as Christians are encouraged to bear one another's burdens and fulfill the law of Christ, that is, the law of love. It is out of love that we can encourage one another and lift each other up.

Many times I have thanked God for my wife, close friends and mentors who have listened to me and took the time to talk things through with me. Without someone to lift me up I would have surely fell under the weight of the cares.

I am always grateful to be that person for others too. It is a wonderful feeling when you know that you have been used by God to encourage someone in their life. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear or sharing a scripture that helped you.

Have you ever been encouraged by someone through a good conversation? What are some ways we can encourage others?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 196 - The Best View

"The view of the valley was better than the view of the crater."

Last year while on family vacation we hiked to a place called the Inyo craters. There are three in a row. The first one is large and has turquoise water in it from the volcanic activity there. The second crater is a little way up and has lots of trees in it and a little water. Not as good of a view as the first but you might as well see it because it is right next to the first one. 

I had never been to the third one and had seen pictures but it never looked like anything. I decided to go for it and hike to the third crater. My brother-in-law and my nephew went as well. In fact a lot of the family wanted to go but the trail whittled down and eventually the little kids couldn't go any further. We eventually were on our hands and knees scrambling up the side of the cinder cone. We made it to the top of the third crater. 

Inside the crater were some trees and bushes. Aside from a few squirrels playing there really wasn't much to see. Until we turned around. There was before us the whole valley. We could see the roads and resorts as well as meadows and trees for miles. It all headed towards the tall mountains in the distance. 

I have found that there were goals that I have achieved that were not what I had hoped or expected. Places I wanted to go to, conferences I wanted to attend, people I have wanted to meet didn't turn out to be what I expected. In the midst of my pondering what is wrong with the picture I turn and see a different view. 

One time I went across the nation for a conference where I thought we would learn about how to better minister to our youth at church and ended up hearing from God about transitions that were coming up in life. I was saying to God in my prayers, "Really God?! You had to bring me across the nation to talk to me about this?" The response was quick, "Yes, I finally have your full attention." 

Let's look past disappointments to a different view. It could be there is something beautiful we haven't seen yet. Look around, and don't forget to look up!

Have you had an experience like this? What was the lesson?

Day 195 - One Mold, One Measure

"1 Kings 7:37 Thus he made the ten carts. All of them were of the same mold, one measure, and one shape. 
The mold that our lives are cast from is Christ. He is our measure and our shape. He is our portion. He is the one who shapes our lives. Intense heat and pressure are applied until we come out looking like Him."
We see the concept of one throughout the Bible. One God, one body, one faith, one baptism. Unity is essential. 
I love the imagery of the carts in the temple. They have the same mold. Ours is Christ. He is our example. Then the same measure. We have been given the measure of faith. And one shape, we are being conformed to His image. 
God takes ordinary things and makes them extraordinary! Press into Christ and allow the light of His countenance to mold you into His image. 
Where else do you see this concept of one in the Bible? How can we be formed into the image of Christ?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 194 - Attitude is Everything

"There was a bunch of traffic so what should have taken us an hour took three to drive."

The frustrations of life can overwhelm us if we let them. With this traffic last year were all kinds of other frustrating factors; the heat, hunger, upset stomach, kids whining and tiredness from the long weekend. We had every reason to have a bad attitude. 

What is amazing is that we have a power that we often overlook. The power is in our choices. We can choose to be frustrated, angry and nasty or we can choose to put on a smile, laugh and take the lemons of life and make lemonade, or lemon meringue pie, I would opt for both. 

Don't let life be a drag. Head up, shoulders back, smile and laugh. I had a friend in a wheelchair who was disabled who had every reason to be down. Every time I would ask him how he was doing he would say "Every day above ground is a good one!" I like his attitude. As long as I have breath in my lungs I will praise God! Take it a step further that if this body is below ground then my spirit is in heaven and I have a new body that will be praising God eternally. 

With that in mind I can handle traffic, hunger, and anything else life throws at me. 

Do you find it easy or hard to choose your attitude? Do you agree with the statement that attitude is everything? 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 193 - Crazy Times

"It was the craziest thing."

Have you ever had a time when life was just crazy? I don't mean busy. I mean crazy. It doesn't make sense. 

We probably have all had moments that we remember where things are out of hand, you have no control or you just don't know what happened. 

I have had situations that I would define as crazy in the negative sense. As a young teen I remember our crazy neighborhood having gang initiations behind our house and shootouts across the street (that I slept through by the way). I didn't enjoy those moments. 

I have also had crazy moments that were exhilarating and even though it was hectic I loved every moment of it. We have had some crazy events at the church where things didn't add up or we were way in over our head but God came through in a major way. I would gladly have moments like that over and over. It is like an adrenaline rush. 

The neat thing about life is that no matter how crazy it gets God is still in control. We may feel like everything is out of hand but He still has the whole world in His hands! Seize the day. Crazy good or crazy bad God has you covered! 

Have you ever had a time where life was crazy? How did you make it through? (Good or bad.)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 192 - You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

"Jess came a bit later due to managing the women's conference over the phone."

We took a vacation and we're having dinner when this happened last year. I have often had text messages to read an e-mail while I was out of the office. Similarly I have had to take care of personal business from the office and have had to leave work to take care of my family. 

Life has a way of intruding on our perfect lines we have made to protect our work and our family. We need those lines and need to respect our work and protect our family. But we also have to do what we gotta do. There will be times we have to take care of business at dinner time. There will also be times I have to leave work to take care of my children. 

Wisdom and integrity will guide us in this area. Wisdom will say stay or go, now or later, too much or too little. Integrity will say stay late since you took care of personal business, or, take the family out because you have given so much to the job. 

Our families don't have to suffer nor do we have to slack on the job. We can not only balance but have a wise approach that maintains our integrity at work and at home. 

How can we better balance the needs of the home and the job? What helps you to manage both? 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 191 - Just Wrong

"I saw a sign for the dollar store that said they had ribeye steaks for a dollar."

There are certain things that just don't seem right. Like a ribeye steak for a dollar. I'm not sure I want to gamble with my health like that. 

I have seen other things that don't go recently be exalted in our culture and in our nation. Right has been declared wrong and wrong right. Things like that don't fit. 

In the Bible we see some things that don't fit as well. A beautiful woman without discretion is likened to a gold ring in a pigs snout. Also a bribe in the place of justice isn't fitting. 

God is a God of order and not chaos. There are proper ways and fitting places for things. He is is not the author of confusion. If we are going to function we need to find out what God says is right and how our lives can be fitting to His ways. Without it we will end up with the dollar ribeye and potential food poisoning!

What sorts of things do you see that are or are not fitting? What other biblical references are there to this topic? 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Day 190 - Planting Seeds

"As I ministered the Word it just felt like I was getting no response. I just trust that God planted the seed of the Word in the hearts of the people."

I do not have a green thumb. If anything I have the black thumb that kills plants. While I understand that there are a lot of factors that can help growth I also know that the basics are what matters. Seed, soil, water and light. The right seed in the right soil with the right amount of water and light will grow. 

It is no different when we minister the Word of God. We plant the seed and it has the power within itself to produce after its own kind. It is a supernatural seed that we sow. It has greater ability than the natural seed. Similarly we cannot make it produce. We sow it into the ground and then God makes it work in the hidden space of the heart. 

If we withhold the Word then there will be no harvest. Let's plant as much and as often as we can. 

Have you experienced a time when you planted a seed of the Word and had to trust God for the results? How can we seize opportunities to plant the seed of the Word?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day 189 - Something Different

"It is so peaceful out on the water."

I live in what is called the Inland Empire of Southern California. There are a few lakes around but for the most part it is exactly like the name describes it; inland. So for me to get out on the water takes a drive. 

I enjoy glassy lakes and even the ocean when it is flat and without any waves. It makes for a terrible sailing experience but visually it is beautiful. One morning I headed to the beach before the sun was up and watched all the colors on the water change. It was mesmerizing. 

Why do I say all this? Because life can get at us. Things can hurt, stress and strain. We can get overworked and under rested and need to do something different from time to time. There needs to be something of beauty or awe in life every now and then. 

It doesn't have to be water either. It could be trees, desert, mountains, large rocks, or even a city if that is what you enjoy. I like the mountains as much as I like the ocean. I am in awe of giant rocky cliffs as much as I am the glassy morning waters. 

Something happens when we get that something different. It is almost like the heart is reset and the mind can work again. Now life doesn't get to us, we get to it! 

What sort of places do you enjoy? What qualities make them special or different? 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 188 - I Do, and I Would Again

"It is our anniversary today!"

Today marks fourteen years that my wife and I have been married. Two 21 year old kids who fell in love with each other and committed to life joined together as one. 

I remember sitting in a room in the church by myself while I waited for them to call me out to line up. I was in prayer and asking God to prepare my heart for marriage. He has blessed us as a couple and we have made it through a lot together. I wouldn't want to do life without her. 

Marriage is worth celebrating! Our love is worth remembering. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 187 - What's On the Menu?

Last year I went to a birthday party for some friends. The guy had me laughing, as he always does. He told me he doesn't go to a birthday party until he knows what's on the menu. It was his party! 

I thought about it and there is some wisdom there. I am a guy who has a hard time saying no and managing my time well.  I get easily distracted and end up wasting time and being unproductive. Since I know that about myself I have had to make some changes in order to be a better Christian, husband, father and boss. 

When I realized I couldn't continue to waste time I identified some things that were time wasters or time takers. Time wasters included some social media, e-mails, and other distractions that I could manage. Time takers were often people or situations that I knew of. In order to manage my time properly I had to make sure I knew what was on the menu before I got to the party (see what I did there?). 

If I know that there is a time waster on the menu I will pass. If I know that there is a time taker I will either delegate or put that situation to rest quickly by calling it out. Most of the time when it comes to people I try to be sensitive and not just shine them on until I can get away. I genuinely care for them and want to help them. That being said if I know someone isn't being sensitive to my time when there are important things that need to take place I will kindly let them know what is going on and dismiss myself (rather than dismiss them). Most of the time when I do this people respond postively or if they really do have an issue I am able to schedule a good time to talk and give them the attention they deserve (even time takers are people with needs). 

How do you manage your time? What time wasters or takers can you identify? (No names please!)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day 186 - Kick Fear in the Face

"We prayed and quoted 2 Timothy 1:7"

The verse say that God has not given us a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind. This is the verse we have taught our children to say when they are afraid. Even at an early age they know this verse and it has helped them through bad dreams, going upstairs by themselves and thinking about E.T. (Don't ask, my children think he is freaky and get scared when we even mention his name) 

The verse isn't only for children. There are irrational fears we battle all the time. Fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of (insert yours here). 

I remember the first time I went snorkeling I had to stop and pray because of fear. It started to grip me. Maybe it stemmed from when I was a kid and we would play burrito and roll up in a blanket and get under the couch cushions. My brother would sit on the couch with me under it but when I was ready to get out he would stay sitting on me. I remember feeling claustrophobic. That same feeling came on me with the snorkel mask and the tube in my mouth and putting my face in the water. It is probably the closest thing I have encountered to a panic attack. I stopped and prayed and spoke 2 Timothy 1:7 and then had the time of my life looking at fish and coral. 

You don't have to stay afraid. Believe God's Word and confess it over your life. There are tons of verses about fear and how to overcome it. Get into your Bible and find the ones that help you and then declare them when you feel fear gripping you. You can be bold and courageous!

What fears try to stop you? What Bible verse deals with those fears? 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Day 185 - Independence Day, Happy 4th!

"After dinner the kids swam until the sun went down."

On the Fourth of July it has been a pretty steady tradition that our family gets together to swim, eat, and go watch fireworks. Pretty simple but I am grateful for it every year. I have seen the best fireworks show in our nation over the reflection pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial. I wouldn't trade it for what I have when I sit and watch with my children listening to their ooh's and ah's. 

I enjoy my day because people stood up for what they believed. There were men and women who thought enough of what they believed to pay the ultimate price and lay down their lives for freedom. I am grateful to each and every one of them. 

I know our nation has flaws and is growing worse with age and not better but it doesn't change my opinion of the U.S.A. I still hold our nation in high regard and pray for our leaders. I still prize our land and see greatness all around. We are still the land of opportunity, we run to the aid of other nations and we still can believe what we believe without our government putting us in prison or telling us what to believe. 

Join me in celebrating our great land and say a prayer for our leaders and your fellow Americans!

What do you enjoy doing on the Fourth of July? What do you enjoy about the U.S.A.?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 184 - Glimpses of Goodness

"He is a good guy and I am happy he and his family are going forward with God."

Every now and then I get to see people who I have worked with to get them on track with God. Sometimes they are not well. Sometimes they didn't listen to sound advice and wisdom. But then there are the wonderful moments when I get to see someone who I worked with who did listen and is doing well. 

As a pastor my purpose is to help people. I watch and guard, guide and feed, nourish and fold. There are many heartbreaks and it is a tough job. You don't leave your work at the office and contrary to the awful statement that says pastors work one day a week it actually is a job that you never clock out. 

It would be easy to give up and walk away from a job like this. Discouragement is common among pastors. But when you see someone who 'got it' you find that you can make it another day and preach another message. Someone is listening. Someone is blessed. Someones life is changed because of what you did. 

We all need encouragement that what we do matters. Look for those glimpses of God's goodness. He will reveal to you the value and purpose for what you do. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony; the testimony reminds you of that goodness that God has done in your life. 

What glimpses of goodness have you had? How has it encouraged you to continue? 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 183. - It Will Work Itself Out

"I went in to work and got through all my 60+ e-mails from my two days off. I made a point this week to not read or answer my e-mails on my days off. The wonderful thing was that on Monday the office had an issue and wanted some of my time today to deal with the issue. When I got in today there was an e-mail that the situation had worked itself out and there was no need for my involvement. I was thankful I chose to protect my days off and my family time."

There are two important principles here for leaders. First is to give problems the time they need. The second is to protect your family and rest. 

Problems have a way of telling us they are the most important thing and require immediate attention. There are times when a problem should be immediately dealt with. This is not always the case though. I have found that most problems should be given some time. When I have done this I have either seen the problem work itself out or I have been able to step away and pray and get the wisdom of God for the situation. In the end it will be better handled with a thoughtful approach. 

Problems will also try to rob us of our family time and rest. Our family is our first priority after God. God actually equates our care for our family with our salvation. Pretty heavy! We need to be aware of the things that will take from our family time. The job and the problems will come and go. Family is there for the long haul. It would be no good to give attention to problems on the job only to create problems at home. 

Your rest also needs to be protected. If you never turn your brain off the stress will do you harm. God commanded rest for more than just an example, it is actually healthy for us! 

What are some healthy ways to give problems time? How can we guard our family and rest in practical ways?