"This is my 356th entry! I did it! At least I can say I am disciplined and consistent and follow through with my commitments.
It has been a good year. I am very blessed. We made it through many trials. I believe that the plowing and sowing we have done we will see come to pass in 2015."
Truly on New Year's Eve we can look back over a year and see the faithfulness of God. I see how through all the hard times we encountered God was making us stronger. In all the good times God was showing us His goodness. In the silence we were learning to trust. In everything God is all in all.
When you have God in everything then everything becomes good. Even the bad God works our for good. It is truly amazing how from tragedy and trial spring forth testimonies of God's goodness. Some don't share this opinion. I read over some of the 2015 year in review articles on the web and found pessimism, criticism and sarcasm. None of those ever got me any closer to God.
What makes a good year is when you set your heart to trust God. Look for His faithfulness. If you draw near to Him He will draw near to you. Your goals and plans, when submitted to Him, will come to fruition. Maybe not in the way you wanted but if not God has some thing better for you. (Just see yesterday's post for more on this.)
When I look back at a year of blogging my thoughts from last year I realize it has been a healthy journey. It has taught me a lot about myself, God and others. I want to say thank you to those of you who have taken the journey with me and have posted comments here and on other social media sites. It has been fun and I have had great pleasure reading about your thoughts on the topics discussed.
As I look forward to next year I plan on continuing to blog my thoughts but with some changes. I don't want to reveal everything here but I am going to update the look and feel and will probably go weekly instead of daily. It's tough! I have lost a lot of sleep because I was up writing. Also I felt at times that I was reaching for topics and felt that I could deliver better content if I had more time to look over, prepare and write. (Or maybe even edit, who would have thought?!)
I also plan on being in the face of God to do His will, growing as a husband and father and staying after my passions in life. By the grace of God I will do all this and more. Happy New Year!
No questions today. Feel free to write some of your thoughts from this last year and/or any goals for the new year.