Saturday, September 16, 2017

When Words Fail

"I ran in to a couple that lost their baby. The husband was broken. We cried together and then prayed and talked. I was a mess."

These few messy sentences summarize so much pain and emotion. I didn't have any words of wisdom for this couple that lost their child. Words failed me. I had tears, prayers and eventually some encouragements. I don't think an immediate response of anything other than that would have even been appropriate. 

Many people are just like this couple. Tragedy has hit and there are no words to comfort or settle them. We see it every day. Pain and trials are the norm. 

Recently in our nation we have seen loss and tragedy on many levels. In our social and political structures we are divided. Racially we are heading down the wrong path. In the natural realm disaster has struck and devastated lives. With our national relationships abroad the word 'tense' seems to understate the current norm. 

People are looking for answers. All these things impact people personally. Even without the things that have happened in our nation we see people living amidst personal trials. While the Christian life is not easy I can't imagine doing life any other way. How do people make it without God? 

The only hope we have in the midst of tragedy is that God is good. Some scoff and some don't believe in the goodness of God. I can't see any other option. Without it I am without hope. God's goodness is the only thing that assures me that the suffering and pain we endure in this life will be worth it all in the end. 

God is near to the brokenhearted and collects our tears as His treasures. That in itself is mind blowing. But when you think of a God who cries with us, Who listens to our prayers and Who speaks words of comfort and wisdom to us there can be no other conclusion than that God is good. He loves us and love never fails. His words are eternal and when words fail us His word stands strong. 

If you're experiencing pain or tragedy know that God is with you in your pain. He loves you and hasn't left. Your emotions are normal and it's okay to experience anger, confusion, sadness and to have questions. But when you settle in to the reality that God is good it will help you to go through the trial and the pain. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Gentle Push

"found out he had been in rehab for alcohol addiction. It almost broke up his family but he said his wife stuck with him. I could tell he was ashamed and didn't want to really open up too much. I just gently pushed and he told me about it once he knew I was genuinely interested and wasn't just making small talk. I told him I was proud of him and he teared up and thanked me for really asking him and not just passing by."

The title of this post sounds like what my kids often try to do to each other at the edge of the pool. They don't want to get caught shoving their siblings in to the water so they look at me while gently try to edge their brother or sister over the edge. Most of the time I would catch on to what they were doing and stop them. 

My thought from last year isn't kids playing jokes. It is a subtle push that most people need in order to know that you care. Yes, you may be trying to get them over the edge of something but the motive isn't mischievous. Genuine care in a fake world is hard to find. Have you noticed? 

There have been times I have been on the receiving end of the push and appreciated it later. I was just reading about a day when I had the wrong attitude and went in to a situation with guns blazing only to have someone who cared about me remind me of what my purpose was in a direct but very lovingly gentle way. It made all the difference. If fact once I crossed over in to sanity again I became the one giving others the same encouragement that I had received. 

There are people in the world who are looking for genuine relationships and real contact with others. They may be popular on social media or well known at work but when you get in close proximity you find they are lonely and searching for someone to share life with. While I risk sounding cliche the old saying is true that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. 

Some of the words that pops out to me when I read about the Apostle Paul's ministry in his own words are genuine, sincere and care. He really loved the people he ministered to. So much so that at one point he likens himself to a nursing mother. How is that for imagery!? But could it be that this is the real reason why God was able to use him so mightily? He really loved and cared for the people. Not like a little brother pushing to get a laugh but like a mother pushing to get greatness out of her child. You can imagine him praying and preaching and pushing until he saw what he was desiring in the churches. 

In the Proverbs it says that a soft answer can turn away great wrath and a gentle answer can break a bone. It may be that we fear the backlash of someone who is closed up. But if the push is giving in the right spirit it can have tremendous results. 

Allow your love and care to push you to gently push others. Know where the boundary lines are and make sure your motives are pure. If you do this right though it will make all the difference in someone elses life. 

Have you ever had that gentle push? How did it make you feel? Have you successfully given someone else this push? What does this look like in family vs. friendship? 

Friday, April 14, 2017

God doesn't sleep

From the Word: Esther 6:1 “That night the king could not sleep…”

"Not when there is injustice. The King of Glory never sleeps nor does He slumber. He will bring justice swiftly for those who love Him. The devil is plotting and we are not unaware of his devices. Even more so the all knowing God. Will He not arise and carry out His good plan according to His mercies? Will He not see us in the court, dressed and ready for Him and extend his scepter to us? Will he not hang the devil on the gallows he meant to hang us on? Will He not bring us to His banqueting table and hang His banner of love over us?"

It is Easter weekend as I write this. So many thoughts and emotions come with this time of year. Beauty is all around as flowers are in bloom and for a few weeks in California we get to see green hills instead of brown ones. 

Even with all the beauty we are constantly reminded of the fallen world we live in. Just last week the headlines were "Shooting at an Elementary school." Sin and the devil are at work. They don't take a day off. We read that after Jesus overcame the temptation in the wilderness that the devil went away looking for an opportune time to trip him up. 

The good news is that God doesn't sleep either. In fact Jesus said that He and His Father were working from the beginning. God doesn't change and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! Jesus is alive and working on the earth. 

Jesus told a parable of a widow who went to an unjust judge to get deliverance. Eventually she did because the unjust judge didn't want to be wearied with her coming anymore. In the explanation of the parable Jesus tells us that we shouldn't give up either. God is not unjust! He hasn't forgotten you. Jesus ended his statements by saying that God would bring justice swiftly. 

Don't give up or give in. When you see the devil taking lives and sin destroying people press in to God. He isn't off taking a nap or an extended vacation. He is intimately involved in the events of the earth bringing justice, comfort, peace, healing and especially the good news of the gospel that Jesus took our sin on the cross and defeated death and the devil when he raised again to life! 

God loves you so much. Easter shows us that. The beauty of spring shouts that there is a resurrection and we can be made alive with Christ. I would encourage you to take some time to meditate on the story of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Get into a Bible believing church and experience the wonderful presence of God. Tell God how thankful you are for His love and love on Him right back. Finally, take some time to pray for those who are bound by sin and the devil, that they would be delivered and experience the salvation and love of Jesus this Easter weekend as well. 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Some Good Advice

"I told him to stay humble, stay teachable, forgive quickly and apologize quickly. It is good advice for all of us."

There are times I know God is speaking through me to others. I am sure any of you readers who are Christians can identify a time when you were used of God to speak to someone else. At times we find that those same words God speaks through us are spoken to us. 

In the case of what I said to my friend as I wrote it down that night and now a year later as I read it today it applies to my own life. 

Humility is a misunderstood word. In our present society we think of humble as it relates to things. People will call a small house a humble house. Some would say that someone without means in the natural is living a humble life. This is not the humility that God wants from us. 

True humility is depending on God. Moses was said to be the meekest man on earth. Did you know he wrote that about himself? Most of us would say he was prideful. Not so if you have the right definition of humility and meekness. All Moses was saying about himself was that he was the one who depended on God the most. 

In order to succeed in life we need to stay humble. That means we continually depend on God. Depend on Him for everything. For wisdom, direction, strength and whatever else you need. If we can stay humble then we can know that God will pour out His grace on us. God opposes the proud be He gives grace to the humble. 

We should also endeavor to stay teachable. It is a personal goal of mine to be a lifelong learner. The crazy thing is that the more I know the more I realize how little I know. Especially when it comes to God. The more I know of Him the bigger He gets. 

When we realize we don't have all the answers it frees us from pride and helps us to stay humble. Then we get back to the place of grace. Being teachable will also help us to navigate new areas of life. 

Finally we should all be ready to forgive quickly and apologize quickly. Jesus forgave us. That is reason alone to forgive others. If fact, we are commanded to forgive as God in Christ forgave us. 

Pride will stop us from both forgiving and apologizing. When we are prideful we hinder relationships and hold on to hurts. It is that ungodly spirit that insists "I was right and they were wrong!" that wont let go. A spirit of humility depends on God to forgive and apologize; even when you don't think you were that wrong. It doesn't matter as much as following the way of God. God's way is forgiveness. He showed us that in Jesus Christ. 

This is just a short list of things that will help us in life's course. Can you think of any other good advice that you would add to this list? 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Back to Work

"Back to work. It was a normal day in the office. Normal meaning that I sat and intended to pray and study and get some of my desk cleared and didn't do anything that I set out to do because of meetings and pressing ministry needs that arose."

Can you identify with my quote from last year? I am sure you can in one way or another. You had plans. You intended to get something done. You were going to make it happen. 

Then you got busy. 

It happens to all of us. We get distracted with the day and pressing things interrupt our best laid plans. This is okay every now and then. We need to be flexible. Stuff happens. The problem that we all know far too well is that this is a regular occurrence. It becomes the norm. 

So we live with our dreams and desires on the shelf we label "When I have time..." and there they sit collecting dust. 

Or not. 

Isn't it time for a change? Aren't you sick of living an unfulfilled life? I know I can't stand having dreams and desires that look like empty rooms in my house. (This expression comes from the fact that I really need to print some photos on canvas and metal and decorate the house I have lived in for a year and a half so it looks like someone lives there...too much info?) 

So how do we change it? Glad you asked. 

It starts with the priority. How valuable is that dream or desire? If the desire is to have a prayer and study time in the morning with the Lord before you start your day you better lose some sleep or go where you can't be interrupted. I recently fasted two hours of sleep every morning for ten days and gave that time to the Lord. It totally revived me. I had fresh prayers, my journal was filled with insights from the Lord and I just had better days. In fact I made breakfast for the family two mornings in a row. Not just cereal either, it was bacon and eggs and then Dutch Babies on another day. (If you don't know what Dutch Babies are you need to start living.) Sure I was tired but the benefit far outweighed the loss of sleep. 

Our priorities will drive our actions. This means saying no to things that would distract us. This also means strategic planning for what we want. I had a plan to wake up early. I am still waking up earlier than I was before my fast and putting the priority on giving God the first part of my day. It was like a reset for me. 

For you it may be a different time of day is when you set aside for your priorities. Maybe it is setting aside time to be distracted. What a thought! If e-mail is a distraction why not give yourself an hour just for e-mail and then discipline yourself to stay away for the rest of your day? It just might work. 

The staying power of all this is consistency. The commitment without consistency is not a real commitment at all. It is just a dusty whim on the shelf. Stay after it. If you get off then get back on. Don't beat yourself up but rather discipline yourself. There is a huge difference. On defeats and deflates you the other will propel you and pump you up. 

Take some time to dream this week and write down what you really want from life. Is it more time in the word and prayer? Is it more family time? Is it a more productive work day? Whatever it is, and it may be a lot of things, place numbers or values next to the items you listed in order of priority. Then ask God to help you with a plan of action. Look for the distractions and overcome them before you get distracted by them. Also you may want to involve a spouse or friend as an accountability partner to keep you focused. I know I need that in my life! 

This year let's not stay with the norm, let's grow to new heights!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Planning for the New Year

"I have labored most of this day on my message for the weekend. I am supposed to give vision and bring out what the year is to look like. It is tough because I have so much in my heart and yet I am finding it hard to make clear. There are no easy steps to make this happen. There is heart, faith and following the Lord."

The Bible says that there are many plans in a man's heart but the answer comes from the Lord. Looking at a new year can bring on a host of emotions. Sometimes the task ahead can be daunting. Other times the prospect of the unknown can be exciting. We may also find that having a clean slate to work with is a relief and there is a peace that comes with the new year. 

I think the sentiment from my thought from last year is still the same today. No matter how you feel as you approach 2017 know that it can be your best year. The reason is that when you have God giving direction and laying out the vision of what is to come it makes life an adventure. Adventure doesn't mean easy. I couldn't give you three easy steps to the best year of your life. But I can give you encouragement that you can have the best year of your life. 

How can I say that? Glad you asked. 

I have a question for you. 

What is in your heart? 

Do you really want to have a great year? You can have it. God says that if you delight yourself in Him that He will give you the desire of your heart. That shows me that if you really want it you can have it. 

Beyond that what can you believe God for? How big is He to you? What is He able to do? My Bible says God is an exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think God. That means my desires and my ability to ask will always come up short of what He is able to do. He will always exceed my expectation! So my faith needs to rise to new levels to have a better year. 

Finally we need to realize the simplicity of just following God as our leader. Again, this is not always easy, but it is simple. 

There have been many times that I have lamented over a member of my family, who will go unnamed (you know who you are), and their inability to make boxed macaroni and cheese. If they could just follow the directions everything would turn out right. But rather than boil the water before they add the noodles I see them dumping the box in water that is just starting to warm up. Oh I warn them that soggy macaroni noodles are on the horizon but do they listen? No. Not until they are eating mushy mac 'n cheese. 

All joking aside I know that God's plan is better than mine. If we could just catch a vision of what God has planned for us and follow His will we would have the best year of our lives. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for a look in to what He desires for your year ahead. Press in, fast, pray and find out from the scriptures and your personal time with the Holy Spirit what that is. 

My 2016 ended up being an amazing year that when I look back on I am blown away. God is faithful. We can see it behind us and we can believe for it ahead of us.